
How can we find the best chess move?


It’s a challenge to break down the possibilities and find the chess moves at times, in a hard position. I’ve come to 1700 level at chess, but am quite unsatisfied occasionally on how I win games. I win a measuritu of games by checkmate and resignations, yet there’s another side where I’m disappointed to beat an opponent with a stronger position by environmental factors like running of time, poor Internet connection or resignation for no specific reason 

I’m here to find out methods on how to find best move in a chess position. I’ve felt that Im winning games based on more luck and other less influential factors rather than actual skill. 

I’ve seen methods such as the “SWOT” analysing Our+opponent’s strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats but it’s an actual load to implement in games, especially smaller time controls.

Any methods on how to *actually* find best moves in a position?

Other than “solve puzzles” and basic helpless advice that doesn’t help


it’s not like there’s a method that will help you find the best move in a tough position in under a second, that’s just not possible

all those “useless methods” are really the only way to find good moves. for me, I find any checks, captures, and attacks and if neither of those work, I find my least valuable piece and figure out how I can put it to use

it’s a process that can’t happen overnight


Look for checks, captures and attacks and that after every move



"how to find best move in a chess position"
++ It is an elimination process. You only have so many legal moves. Many of those make no sense at all and can be discarded. That leaves you like 3 candidate moves.
Then you have to calculate and/or to apply logic to select the best move among those.

"it’s an actual load to implement in games, especially smaller time controls."
++ If you want to improve, then play a longer time control, preferably 15|10.
That gives you the needed time to find the best move without fear of losing on time.


I can teach you a simple algorithm for finding best moves. Hit me up if interested.


I know a lot of game theory and I am researching the minimax method same one stockfish uses to calculate it is not cheating though


Methods to look for the best move do exist. Methods to find the best move if any such method do exist, can only work in specific positions.

There is no universal method anyway. Some positions require calculation, others require positional judgement, others need endgame knowledge, then opening knowledge, and, finally, many positions do combine two or more of these requirements.

I must point out, this is all something you could have figured out all by yourself, using alone your brain to guess that if such method only existed (to find the right move at every move), chess competition would be dead since long ago when every single player and top GM would be using it all the time, making playing chess a sterile process.

Unless, maybe, you meant guideline, and not method.


Find flow in short term then long term tactical thinking. 🙂