
How does chess impact you?


Name how chess impacts you in any way?votechess.pngWe would like to hear!


Probably makes u smarter


develop depression


Chess forces me to practice looking at challenges from many different angles and to do in depth reasoning of the possible solutions.

I believe it helps improve critical thinking and planning ahead. It is a very useful game to play, in my opinion.

Who is "We?" ??? haha

rdmccarthy wrote:

Who is "We?" ??? haha


The pawns


+1 Hooray for pawns! Chess makes me appreciate the fact that even the smallest piece can make a difference.


it is funny and takes quite some time. that's it.


It is good 4 u though


Teaches patience.  I like that in correspondence games the passage of time reveals deep insights.  On a three day move game I might sleep on an idea or move twice.  There is a depth which appears from richly marinated ideas which unlocks mysteries and opens to you creation possibilities which at first glance seemed not possible.  The game is therapeutic and at times spiritual.


Chess is a language and one is spoken by people across the whole entire planet earth.  It breaks down barriers between people.

Makes my wallet lighter.
It reduces the amount of friends I have and my social status quite dramatically

Fritters away time I should be doing more useful things with. 


Dodger111 wrote:

Fritters away time I should be doing more useful things with. 


siddharthsk wrote:

develop depression

I agree 100%.

Chess has taught me patience, perseverance and most important, to stop and look at a problem from many different angles/perspectives. I’ve learned that there’s not just one way to look at things. As I untangle higher and higher levels of complexity in chess, I realize ironically that there is often a simpler way; I am suddenly able to unlock a simpler, more elegant way to accomplish something. This applies to chess, life and work. It applies to relationships in all three paradigms. Sometimes a solution lies in a complex approach, but more often I am surprised to find that if I stop, breathe and relax, a simple solution to a seemingly complex problem was in front of me the whole time.

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in chess is, sometimes you need to shift gears completely...sometimes you have to step completely out of what you’re doing to find what you’re looking for in the moment. Sometimes it’s not about the game at all; rather, it’s about sending a message to your opponent that they played a good game.