
I am starting to hate chess

123tigerX a écrit :

Sometimes it's not about the destination, it's about the journey that got you there

This makes me remember a proverb: "Success is a journey, not a destination."


I think you should get time of peace so play unrated for a while as it can help you..


Get better, not bitter.

Find friends to play with, that’s what makes it fun for me

We all hate chess and discipline of mind. But do like us and lie yourself and pretend to love chess and keep playing!!


chess isnt a good game,just play football, you will like it


You're fatigued and need a break lol. Take a few days off.

Airrick5468 wrote:

I just recently started playing on in september and in a short few months time i reached the elo of 1200 in the start of december.Idk if thats good or not.I loved playing chess but ever since i got to a 1000 elo i sometimes lose like 8-9 games in a row.I get super mad and rage quit...

1200+ rating is really good and in a few months no less! The global average rating is in the 600s, so you are already above "average."

What you are experiencing, with chess being frustrating, is common @Airrick5468 (but that doesn't make us usually feel any better in the moment). Finish reading this post and then you get get to the resources I'll link (preferably in order, but not necessary I suppose).

First, we need to make sure that you have a very clear purpose behind your chess goals. This will help prevent you from chasing an arbitrary rating number and then reaching that goal and setting another higher goal. This doesn't offer real satisfaction and will make you hate chess. This blog post has more on this and should be of help:

Next, I have two longer YouTube videos which will be extremely beneficial, but they are slightly longer. The one on curing tilt is almost an hour long and the Stop Loss System video is almost half an hour, but both of these will save you WAY more time in the long-run if the advice prevents you from unnecessary rating drops and emotional/mental struggle in trying to recover rating (plus the time that takes).

I'll also throw in the older video on the average chess rating if you want more information on that too. 1200 rating means you've accomplished a ton already and you should celebrate that fact! happy.png


Spending time with girls is a lot more fun than playing chess


Whatcha gonna do brotha' when Hulkamania runs wild on you?




This is exactly what im currently experiencing. I was on a good win streak around 1100 plus, even beat the 1800 eilo bot hands-down, then came out and blunders everywhere like I had just learned yesterday. I destroyed my rank and lost games I never would've. Its like a brain fog I get. Any advice to get my mind back on track? I too am thinking of droping the game..

This happens to me. I am usually 850 ish but once I lose I decide to play more. I keep losing and my rating goes down. I was one win away at one point from 900. Any advice to help me?

@epicdraw no females


who grammer @CassandraKang


I lose every single game so I feel you.


Here s my opinion, I would like to see more rewards for mate in #4, effectiveness & by completely out-playing your opponent. What does think? What does everybody else?

Airrick5468 wrote:

I just recently started playing on in september and in a short few months time i reached the elo of 1200 in the start of december.Idk if thats good or not.I loved playing chess but ever since i got to a 1000 elo i sometimes lose like 8-9 games in a row.I get super mad and rage quit.In other cases i dont quit and stay up super late grinding back my points.If I dont do this I cant fall asleep because i feel dumb.I got enugh of that and deleted the app.I just got so mad about this game.I just downloaded it back but i just dont want to play rated games cause that will just piss me off?What should I do?Play unrated or just stop playing online and only play in my chessclub?

If you lose a game you need to do the analysis afterwards to see what went wrong. You also need to do more puzzles and lessons. Focus more on learning than playing. But keep playing games and learning from them.