
i can't escape chess but i must!


You must have filed.


Just limite yourself to an hour or two of chess a day, plus a day or two at the chessclub..if your family really loves you, they will  understand..if not, who cares? teach your kids hwo to play the game. I'm sure the boys will love it...teach your wife how to play a little...tell her you want to penetrate her forces and slip in through the back..GIGGITY


The only way to solve your condition is to play more chess. Don't run from the monster. You must dive right in there and know the monster. Only when you have descended the depths and come up holding a mastery of chess...then and only then...a Jedi will you be.

ilikeflags wrote:

i've pretty much had enough.  chess is ruining my life and my marriage.  chess is my mysterious mistress.  i'm plunging deeper and deeper into her abyss.  i come home and my children stare into my face listlessly -- who is this man? they seem to be saying.  who is this man?  all i can think about are pawns and queens and pawns capturing queens and queens capturing queens and pawns passing pawns and pawns penetrating back lines over and over and over....  i need my life back.  i need more love in my life.  i need the embrace of a real queen.  help me work through this.  how do i quit?  can i quit?  will my wife ever love me again?  is quiting the right thing to do?  damn you chess!  save me!

pssst. You need an escape plan. You must be bold. You must get hold of supplies, especially a towel to prepare for a future anywhere in the galaxy.

But most importantly, you need contacts to succeed. I can set you up with a secret contact agent codenamed Olive Ostrich. You will be contacted over the next few days with the details of vital escape transport:


Of course I do not offer this escape opportunity without a price.

ilikeflags wrote:

these morons are trying to take over

Tryin' hell!  At this point, you're vestigial.


Hey, vestigial is better than obsolescent.


Moronic slightly better than catatonic.

Chess geeks should do everything they can to save flag's relationships!

The entire site is rooting for him and believe resolution to everything can be found via 1.Nf3?


you're missing the point


I guess you haven't quit yet, ilikeflags.  It's too much fun.  Perhaps you should just limit yourself to one hour a day of chess, that way you do not have to quit the game.


no, i quit


I want to fly like an eagle
Till I'm free
Fly through the revolution...


That was a great episode, Greenmtnboy (saw it ~2 weeks ago). A nice tongue-in-cheek allegory to religion.


"Keep doing soccer and one day you will wake up and find yourself a lonely old man. Go back to your family!"

Who said that to me? It was a 14 year girl on one of my soccer teams I trained. I should have listened to her. So here I am old and lonely old man playing on line chess.

Greenmtnboy wrote:

I liked the idea of totalitarian control of the peasants through fear and the implanted electrodes....

IIRC they were the last descendants of an extinct race living in the interiors of a planet-sized spaceship which was heading towards a mythological place named "Eden" (subtelty was never Trek's strong point, lol! Smile), but that knowledge had been forgotten over the millenia and people were forced to accept the truth as the corrupted board computer dictated it - which by itself was malfunctioning and just flew them all in circles, never reaching their proclaimed destiny. They were led to believe that their world was all there was and the computer some kind of omniscient guardian, hence that astonished expression on this dude's face when he says: I've touched the sky!, when he saw space for the first time in his life and realized that the horizon of his homeworld was merely the barrier to a much more vast plain of existence he never was aware of. Just like religious systems tend to oppress and straight-out attempt to purge out the truth, just to meet their own ends.


take one or more part time jobs. buy your family presents. then use the time left over for chess. family comes first.


Wow these people have horrible advice! Quit your family and play chess!? Seriously? If you have a problem with chess, talk to your wife about it. Maybe even have her change the password to your laptop so you will only be able to play chess when she is ok with it. Your wife should be your best friend ever. Show her that you care about her more than those 64 squares. Apologize to her. She deserves more than you're giving her and if you admit it to her and try to change, then that should solve things.


i'm so confused


NO! chess is not the solution to relationship problems. Caring for the other people and showing them that they are your priority is.


but chess is a like a person to me.  like a vixen.

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