
I think Hikaru is not listed in the fide top 100 for December as of the moment I write this


Just randomly noticed that.

That is all wink.png

BenMullen2 wrote:

Just randomly noticed that.

That is all

He just dropped off the active players list.


His personal page just hasn't been updated. I'm sure they'll remove the ranking in time.

I now have the same world ranking as Hikaru! I'm going to celebrate tonight!!


What do you think will he ever get back at top ten?


probably not, while he continues his streaming career

You can't be a top chess player when you're streaming blitz and bullet 8 hours a day. Not sure why his career in content creating is still going since he's such a scumbag to people but such is life


AH,  so this is expected!  kk



Hikaru is 34 in a few days and lots of younger players are coming up. The last year he played classical seriously he lost 40 rating points. He would never make it back to the top 10 even if he 100% dedicated himself to it.


There are many people who are not in the top 100 list.


He's probably making more money as a streamer than he ever made as a player.


He has gone inactive in Classical.

Though he's still listed as world #2 in Rapid and world #2 in Blitz.

blitz2009 wrote:
#5 how is he a scumbag. Your just mad cos your not as good as him. If you wanna hate, say it to yourself


Not only just this video, but check the comments, Everyone is saying this doesnt even scratch the surface of his bad behaviour.



So next time instead of saying im hating go do some research and you won't look as ignorant about the chess community next time.


Reckless speculation alert: I'm sure the only reason he decided to play in the Grand Swiss was to maintain his world ranking. Then he almost certainly got cold feet and used Covid as an excuse to back out. I would bet money that he shows up at some modest FIDE rated event somewhere in the US to get back into the top 100. He only has to play one game. If you don't think this bothers his ego, then you haven't heard one of the thousands of stories of how he's such a big baby. After all, it was only half in jest when Ben Finegold used to call poor sports winners of the "Hikaru Nakamura Sportsmanship Award."


To people who haven't got the monstrously high IQ required to comprehend Finegold's elaborate humor he can certainly come across as toxic, yes. 


Direct quote from a recent Finegold stream: 

[deleted inappropriate comment-UpbeatAngle]


Actually, I've heard Ben say that Levy *could* be a GM if he wanted to be, but that it would make no sense for him. He would have to quit streaming, spend his days studying, and travel a lot, and for what? To lose a lucrative source of income for a title that hundreds of people who make very little money have? I think Hikaru's comments about Levy have been much more cutting.

As for Ben's sense of humor, you only have to watch his stream three times. After that, he just recycles the same jokes, makes tortured puns that aren't funny, and makes humor reference that nobody not receiving a social security check could possibly get. I do admit, however, that watching the amount of food he can consume in a single stream can be a source of amusement for some.

Soniasthetics wrote:

Not sure why his career in content creating is still going since he's such a scumbag to people but such is life

As they say, there's no accounting for taste.


Ben's does not beat around the bush. That's not to everyone's liking. But his content is 1000 times more informative than Levy's in my opinion.

Stil1 wrote:

He has gone inactive in Classical.

Though he's still listed as world #2 in Rapid and world #2 in Blitz.

Wow, that was fast. Shouldn't FIDE at least wait 5 years or so before removing players from that list? 

Jenium wrote:
Stil1 wrote:

He has gone inactive in Classical.

Though he's still listed as world #2 in Rapid and world #2 in Blitz.

Wow, that was fast. Shouldn't FIDE at least wait 5 years or so before removing players from that list? 

Yeah, it does seem fast. Though it was actually even faster, before. It used to be 12 months.

They extended it a bit, due to Covid-19.

Now the active period is 24 months.

FIDE specifically uses the top 100 to rank *active* players. If you’re not active, you’re just taking up space on the list and not representing who is actually playing the game. The list isn’t meant to be a lifetime achievement award.