
is the King's indian the same for white/black?


Hello, I looked at my win rates for white/black and noticed that I win a lot more as black than I do as white (53% black, 45% white). I exclusively play King's indian defense (or Pirc's defense if they start 1.e4) as black and I am fairly comfortable with it. 

My question is if I started playing the exact same setup (Kings indian attack) as white, would my win rate go up to match my black win rate? the way i see it, they are basically the same except I go first as KIA, which in theory would make me even better right?

It kinda makes sense in my head... but it can't be that simple, right? Thanks for any insight or feedback!

The king’s Indian is aimed at equalising by means of counterplay against any attempt to gain the advantage by white. That’s not what you’re supposed to be doing as white. You’re supposed to use your first move to obtain an advantage and not sit like a turtle. If you think you’re comfortable playing the exact same thing as black but with white then go ahead but know that this is not going to improve your understanding of chess and you risk falling in some repetitive patterns

Thank you for your input. Still I have question regarding if there are any large differences between the KIA and KID. In other words, should I expect a similar winrate if I play them both?

I understand on the topic of "overall chess education" it may be better have a more diversified repertoire and study more openings deeply, but right now i just want to find an opening as white I am most comfortable with.


The KIA can lead to a wide variety of central formations. But yes, it covers most of the same ground that the KID covers, and more besides.

Here are a couple of my KIAs: