
Keyboard controls for (" Keyboard" browser extension)


Hi! About 7 years ago there was a post about keyboard shortcuts to make moves on on this forum.

As you can see from the topic I've created a browser extension allowing to execute moves using a keyboard.

I decided to create a separate post now in order to raise awareness about the extension and also collect the feedback about it. Community opinion will help to improve and develop the extension in a way that benefits the users the most.

The extension allows you to develop your board vision skills; it can also be helpful for people with disabilities preventing them from enjoying the chess game online.

The extension is a free, open source software; it is compatible with both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers.


Article on how I've created the Keyboard extension (probably will be more interesting for other developers).

Download for Google Chrome
Download for Firefox
Download for Opera
Download for Microsoft Edge

Source code
Backlog (Trello)

Demo video

Thank you for reading, let me know if you have any feedback.


Somebody used your extension today and called it "super useful".


Thanks for this wonderful extension! im playing puzzle rush and its not making the moves but it shows the arrow instead of making the move... the extension doesn't work with puzzle mode?


Can a mod or staff member confirm that this isn't considered to be against the terms of service?

I use a trackpad and get destroyed in bullet because my mouse clicks are so slow. I'd like to use this but would not want to get banned.


It's really helpful. Thank you, man.

I'm just facing an issue: In live games (only) I write down the move (i.e.: e5) then I press enter but no action is taken. It's not written wrongly since no error appeared and the move is drawn with arrows in proper way. While playing against PC  it worked well.


Can you help with this issue? Am I using it wrong? 




This has allowed me to play chess again! Thank you so much.

ClownPusherZer0 wrote:

Can a mod or staff member confirm that this isn't considered to be against the terms of service?

I use a trackpad and get destroyed in bullet because my mouse clicks are so slow. I'd like to use this but would not want to get banned.

You wouldn't be banned for this. No risk. 

erik wrote:
ClownPusherZer0 wrote:

Can a mod or staff member confirm that this isn't considered to be against the terms of service?

I use a trackpad and get destroyed in bullet because my mouse clicks are so slow. I'd like to use this but would not want to get banned.

You wouldn't be banned for this. No risk. 

erik finally answered! grin.png

unfortunately the player who asked was last online 30 days ago...


Author of the extension here.

Sorry for not responding for some time and thank you for the kind words.

There's been a lot of updates since my first post. Versions for Opera and Microsoft Edge have been released. Proper UCI support has been introduced. I also added Russian language support, in the future, maybe, I'll manage to add other languages as well. And, well, sometimes I just have to keep up with some updates introducing in their JavaScript interface of keyboard, so a few updates were also targeted just at making sure it's still working.

Also, thank you, Eric, for confirming that the extension is allowed.

Have a nice day!


@EVERYONESDESIGN. I use edge for, but i use the chrome extension. Edge supports chrome extensions. You kind of wasted your time with edge extension. Still great. 



Wow, I didn't know that. Thanks for mentioning. Makes sense, though, since they're both using the same base (Chromium).

But, actually, there's also no work required to develop extensions for Edge, there's a standard for extensions that works across all the major browsers by now.

I just need to upload the same file in 4 places instead of 1 which doesn't take a lot of time, but could help people to discover the extension 🙂


I can't use the extension for some reason on chrome. sad.png Help please.


maybe there is some error with the link


this is right one



Thank you!!!

shashm wrote:

No Problem!happy.png


Hello Sir  @everyonesdesign


your extension is perfect! only thing


it case sensitive  


just a few moments ago I tried it 


when I Type "nf3" it said  "incorrect move"


but  when type "Nf3" It Accepted it 

minor thing


love extension!!diamond.png


Thanks for your feedback! Bishops make case insensitive implementation problematic.

E.g. "ba3" might mean "bishop to a3" and "pawn from b file captures on a3". The extension also supports UCI, so "b3a5" might mean both "bishop in rank 3 to a5" and "whatever on b3 to a5".

Maybe, in the future I'll find an elegant solution for that problem.


anybody know how to combine this extention with speech reginition ?
We tried windows 10 speech reginigion but that does not work.

mathijsb72 wrote:

anybody know how to combine this extention with speech reginition ?
We tried windows 10 speech reginigion but that does not work.

Hello! I looked into that (see this code branch on Github if you're working with code). I tried to make it work with browser's built-in speech recognition , but due to the lack of support in Chrome I dropped the work (Chrome is the biggest audience for the extension at the moment)