
Men VS Women!


I am not wrong. I am sorry you think so. You must be the most important player in the world to declare yourself correct over everyone else. Stop nerd raging and go back to the might bring you some cookies later.


alright alright, there there, the cookies look weird though,


Perfect, now eat up and take a nap. Then you when you feel like playing nice you can come back up to the house.




You are not better than me haha. You might play better chess than me, but you are not better than me, pathetic. 

Never called you a child. That is what you took from it. I never said women could not become a seriously did not read carefully if you insist that I am ignorant. I never declared women's titles are still meant to segregate chess. Pay attention please.


anyone want to have a game or two,

except that 960, FrownI cannot do thoseFrown,

or the 5 day, 18 day, 21 day move challenges, Frownplease not those tooFrown

winerkleiner wrote:
nameno1had wrote:
winerkleiner wrote:

When it's comes to women just cave, let them win, they never forget.

I was going on in this thread earlier about the joy of letting them get the better of might as well...otherwise there is no way for them to get the best of you either....hehehe

Yep they will either win anyways or get used to making the couch your bed.  I nod alot.

I paid $1500 for my bed and its like sleeping on a cloud...I don't care whats happening...I am sleeping in my bed...I told my wife my a long time ago....go ahead...beat the hell out of me....I'll just call the cops and you can sleep in jail and I'll sleep in  my bed....I haven't had any trouble


it's one more way for women to bash men and claim to be victims of men; trot out all the cliches: women are _______ than men: better, smarter, more logical, etc etc. The truth is IT'S ALL ABOUT WOMEN NOW!! EVERYTHING IS ABOUT WOMEN!! I couldn't care less whether there are separate titles or not. I have bills to pay. So go back to your male-bashing and cliche spewing gossip, ladies

nameno1had see ladies and gentlemen....we have another satisfied customer....




thanks you chrisr2212 you just proved my point;


the cavemane cliche; chrisr2212 why can't you think for yourself rather than just repeating 30-year-old cliches about men?? because thinking requires effort and you are too lazy to reexamine all your old cherished assumptions


It's "sweet of me to suggest"; oh how quaint. another cliche" the condescending know it all female stoops to correct the misguided caveman. Have you EVER had a thought of your own, or do you just repeat everything you hear other brainwashed women saying?


o' christie, was that Rudy Voyer? Vollar? or something in #379

this was him, in the 1990's???

the german coach


thanks chrisr2212 - you just proved my point again.


There are separate categories for women in any sport women decide they want to compete in.


I have not claimed any to contradict any of those things. Please reread my posts.


Wait...ciljettu, as I am being informed, is the one player who sexually harassed an underage player in another thread. I'm out of attention to my older posts and stop saying im wrong. You would see I a made no claims against any of you "corrections" if you actually paid attention.

ciljettu wrote:
chrisr2212 wrote:

Please don't cry!  hahaha

No need to cry at all.

I'm not some overgrown child who keeps blocking people out of spite

I have just expressed some rather moderate and balanced views in a polite way.

On the other hand, inarticulate and undereducated people can only express themselves in silly pictures and childish retorts.

joeydvivre wrote:

PatriotScout has no idea what he is talking about.  

First off, a WGM is not a GM title earned by a woman.  Women can of course win the GM title in exactly the same way as men.  A WGM title is usually thought of somewhere between an FM and an IM title.  A woman who went to those coed tournaments and earned GM norms would sure as heck take a GM title ot a WGM title.  Judith Polgar for instance is a GM - no "W".  Writing WGM Judith Polgar would make you like condescending and dumb.  In fact, I'm 98% sure that Polgar is not a WGM since she does not play in women's events.

This notion of "extending the olive branch", etc.. is also silly.  Women's chess is like Women's colleges...not something set up by men to segregate women, but something that women apparently like, choose to accept, and perpetuate themselves.  Women are completely welcome at any chess event their ability qualifies them for.  Of course, when Polgar was playing at the very highest levels she was highly sought after by tournament organizers for her extraordinary (and, in my mind, Byzantine) chess as well as the novelty of having a woman play at those lofty heights.

excellent point. The fact that GM an WGM are not equal is slightly patronizing and any woman that earns a GM title would never refer to themselves as WGM.

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