
Okay, why are chess players so ugly?


I'm sorry if this question sounds rude I don't mean it to be, but I don't notice too many visually attractive chess players. You've been to tournaments, most of them look like Dustin Diamond (Screech from Saved by The Bell - who's a USCF member btw).


Look at Karpov, Carlsen, Nigel Short just to name a few.


My theory is that they were socially isolated and developed chess skills in ther isolation.




bobby fischer is handsome


I think a lot of chess players are pretty attractive.

elquicko wrote:


Yes, I have a few.



You should not play chess to be handsome.


"My theory is that they were socially isolated and developed chess skills in ther isolation".

Introducing the future World Champion:




Elquiko, what is your definition of ugly?

What??!! Magnus carlsen is would be one of the more attractive people, or am i being nationilistic
elquicko wrote:

I'm sorry if this question sounds rude I don't mean it to be, but I don't notice too many visually attractive chess players. You've been to tournaments, most of them look like Dustin Diamond (Screech from Saved by The Bell - who's a USCF member btw).


Look at Karpov, Carlsen, Nigel Short just to name a few.


My theory is that they were socially isolated and developed chess skills in ther isolation.



I'm sorry if this question sounds rude I don't mean it to be, but I did notice you look like Dustin Diamond (Screech from Saved by The Bell - who's a USCF member btw).


My theory is that you were socially isolated and developed chess skills in your isolation.




Whick Whack dnt talk crap.

elquicko wrote:

I'm sorry if this question sounds rude I don't mean it to be, but I don't notice too many visually attractive chess players. You've been to tournaments, most of them look like Dustin Diamond (Screech from Saved by The Bell - who's a USCF member btw).


Look at Karpov, Carlsen, Nigel Short just to name a few.


My theory is that they were socially isolated and developed chess skills in ther isolation.



The attributes and abilities required in different activities and professions are not necessarily the same.

If whatever proportion of chess players do not meet a certain arbitrary and subjective standard of physical attractiveness it perhaps indicates that such a standard is of little relevance to playing chess.


Chess player: needs to be able to play chess (amongst other things).

Often able to walk... and wearing clothes is generally required.

Demands of the activity... greater than those of being a model.

Model: needs to be "attractive" (allegedly); needs to be able to walk; needs to be able to wear clothes... though not necessarily be able to dress themselves.

Actor: being "attractive" or not may influence the type of roles one can play; generally needs to be able to talk; remember lines etc. In addition often capable of walking and wearing clothes (so the demands are greater than those of being a model).

Singer: being "attractive" may make them more marketable. Must be able to sing (well); typically also capable of walking and wearing clothes (so, again, a more demanding profession than that of being a model).


This is because chess is skill based. Other criteria are irrelevant.


physical beauty can be hurdle in developing mind ...still it is not the correct criteria to judge.... as we all know beauty is a subjective matter and next thing its not like if u are ugly isolated so u play chess...its just the matter of interest chess is a game not a beauty contest


Anand is handsome


The guys you listed aren't unattractive.


It's sad really, but did anyone else notice that the board in zembrianator's picture is the wrong way round?  I suppose the guys' minds were elsewhere.

Anyway, Ivanchuk is a great looking guy.  And what about Gelfand?  Brad Pitt eat your heart out.



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