
Playing the clock.


I like to play 3 minute chess.

Often the clock becomes a factor.

Sometimes I see I have so much time, I start adjusting my game.  

If he's short on time:

1.  I try not to exchange.  Reason:  If there are only a few pieces on the board, a good player can make quick moves and win with very little time.

2.  I try to "waste" time by putting him in pointless checks.

While I know I don't want to draw by repetition, you can still burn some critical seconds and even tens of seconds just by running his king back and forth every other move.

Then move something else, do the laps again.  

The problem is that I read that some people feel this is rude or unethical or not true chess.  

But my attitude is the guy burned through his time trying to get a better position, he mismanaged the clock and gave me a huge advantage.  


What do you think, I'm being a jerk?  


Anyone who plays three minute chess has signed up for that stuff.


That's a good one, lol


Yes, they are correct strategies. Nothing unethical about any of that.