
Presidential Chess

Any know of US presidents experience in chess? All I know is that George Washington was into it, Thomas Edison considered chess one of his favorite games. Obama wrote in his autobiography that he enjoyed the game, and Trump has that famous image of him playing 4D chess. With chess being such an old game, do you all know of any other presidents that had an avid chess career?

other heads of state include Napolean.   Marcos once made Bobby Fischer's first move at a tournament in Philippines.

NoahRook wrote:
Any know of US presidents experience in chess? All I know is that George Washington was into it, Thomas Edison considered chess one of his favorite games. Obama wrote in his autobiography that he enjoyed the game, and Trump has that famous image of him playing 4D chess. With chess being such an old game, do you all know of any other presidents that had an avid chess career?

President Edison?


See the following link from this website of US Presidents playing chess

batgirl wrote:
NoahRook wrote:
Any know of US presidents experience in chess? All I know is that George Washington was into it, Thomas Edison considered chess one of his favorite games. Obama wrote in his autobiography that he enjoyed the game, and Trump has that famous image of him playing 4D chess. With chess being such an old game, do you all know of any other presidents that had an avid chess career?

President Edison?



Thomas Jefferson and James Monroe played against each other often. When they were in different locations, they played by correspondence. The James Monroe Museum here in Fredericksburg, Virginia, has part of a chess set that Jefferson gave to Monroe. Unfortunately, the staff at the museum doesn't know if the rest of the set is in storage or has been lost.



I never knew Thomas Edison was president. I guess you really do learn something new every day.


Thomas Edison was not a president. Thomas Jefferson was. 

batgirl wrote:
NoahRook wrote:
Any know of US presidents experience in chess? All I know is that George Washington was into it, Thomas Edison considered chess one of his favorite games. Obama wrote in his autobiography that he enjoyed the game, and Trump has that famous image of him playing 4D chess. With chess being such an old game, do you all know of any other presidents that had an avid chess career?

President Edison?

of course. in between lincoln and hamilton.


something tells me 43 and 45 are more checkers-types.

SirMendys wrote:

Thomas Edison was not a president. Thomas Jefferson was. 


No kidding?

SirMendys wrote:

Thomas Edison was not a president. Thomas Jefferson was. 




AlCzervik wrote:
batgirl wrote:
NoahRook wrote:
Any know of US presidents experience in chess? All I know is that George Washington was into it, Thomas Edison considered chess one of his favorite games. Obama wrote in his autobiography that he enjoyed the game, and Trump has that famous image of him playing 4D chess. With chess being such an old game, do you all know of any other presidents that had an avid chess career?

President Edison?

of course. in between lincoln and hamilton.

It was a limited Edison. 

HorsesGalore wrote:

other heads of state include Napolean.   Marcos once made Bobby Fischer's first move at a tournament in Philippines.

Ferdi always made all the first moves in the Philippines while Imelda bought all the shoes. 


By special request, bumped by the PTBA

ChessieSystem101 wrote:
SirMendys wrote:

Thomas Edison was not a president. Thomas Jefferson was. 


Edison would want you to save your watts. 

EscherehcsE wrote:

By special request, bumped by the PTBA

Thanks yorpy


PTBA bump Version 2