
racist idiot


I am a white South African who hates racism.
My Last game against an opponent from Mexico called me a nigga needs to ban this racist from this site

jcl212 wrote:
I am a white South African who hates racism.
My Last game against an opponent from Mexico called me a nigga needs to ban this racist from this site

That's what the report button is for. Click on the guy's profile and look for the ! Exclam in the row of icons.


If it has an a at the end I think it’s a term of endearment. I could be wrong.

Is it racist to call someone a derogatory name that doesn't apply to him?  It can't be an insult, since it's too much of a mistake for that.  If someone calls me a 'silly Eskimo' it is simply ridiculous, given that I'm not an Eskimo, and not offensive.


what good would that do?

jcl212 wrote:
I am a white South African who hates racism.
My Last game against an opponent from Mexico called me a nigga needs to ban this racist from this site



i am from Mexico and I never ever called someone that way. I believe you won the game that's why, but, that;s not reason to call you like he did.


out of curiosity, did he use the english word or some spanish equivalent? in hispanic countries, words like "negro" and "gordo" do not necessarily have a negative connotation (its very context dependent, and often are merely neutral descriptions, like height or hair color). 


it may have been an abbreviation of the word niggardly, which although widely condemned as racist derives from a completely different origin than the slur word.  Maybe you were being cheap somehow?



of course I have been called a chump, without people understanding the ironic double entendre of my name: chrump.



Its the internet, people say stupid crap.  You have the option to ignore them or block them.  Problem solved.


We're not going to get into this in the forums.  If you feel you suffered abuse, use the abuse button.  Hopefully you have a screenshot.

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