
Resignation etiquette?


I like to tell my opponent (in the chat window) that I am going to resign. It seems more polite than just hitting the button and dissapearing, especially if it has a been a good and fun game. If we were playing a pub game that's how it would go so why not online? How do you all feel about it? Thanks.


That's a good habit, it makes the game seem more personal.


I'll try this. Good one.


Good point, the better our manners and sportsmanship, the great the game ! 


If I'm playing an engine, I won't, because it wouldn't understand it, although the person using it might.

if i am loosing and feel as though all is lost in chat i will tell them " i am willing to concede, however if you need to practice your end game i will play on". some people need that and i don't mind practicing my delaying tactics , on a rare occasion or two i've pulled a stalemate out of the endeavor.