
Should the 2021 World Chess Championship Be Played At Magnus Carlsen’s House?

Covid-19 has presented many problems for all sports leagues around the world, most importantly the ICA (International Chess Association). There have been rumblings in the Chess community that the 2021 World Championship could be played in an alternative venue or OTW (Over the Web). Playing online could create concerns that the Chess players are using an engine to assist in their play. As such, the consensus seems to be that the Championship should be played at Magnus Carlsen’s house, where the champion would host the winner of the candidates tournament for a prolonged sleepover, pending permission from his parents. Although this would help create the bubble type environment required to keep the championships safe, it could give Carlsen a significant home board advantage.

Any thoughts on this?

Carlsens house is too small to accommodate their Seconds and the TV staff. I am suggesting a Private Resort Island like that owned by Billionaire Richard Branson would be an ideal venue for the World Chess Championship.


The Moon is a sterile environment.

Just sayin'.


Another suggestion. Carlsen and his challenger can play inside a Glass Aquarium like in Bilbao (Spain)

bong711 wrote:

Another suggestion. Carlsen and his challenger can play inside a Glass Aquarium like in Bilbao (Spain)


Yeah... but then we'd miss seeing someone strap Carlsen to a rocket and launch him into space.


Space Travel is expensive. Just Borrow Russian Billionaire Abramovich's Megayacht. I hope nobody get seasick.


Wow! Nice essay! Literally an idea that is 2X WORSE than being played normally. Thanks!


Vlad's suggestion does have the advantage that in the event of a tied match, the tiebreak could be settled with a pillow-fight instead of Rapid or Blitz.


Pillow fight is for children and girls. Men should play rapid then blitz. I suggest this chess format in tiebreaker games.


We could stuff the pillows with rocks. Or angry weasels.

Pillow-fights for MEN!

blueemu wrote:

We could stuff the pillows with rocks.

Pillow-fights for MEN!


bdchess617 wrote:

Wow! Nice essay! Literally an idea that is 2X WORSE than being played normally. Thanks!

Unfortunately this is the new normal. Do you have an alternative idea?


Since there is no worthy challenger, he could as well keep the title. happy.png


Covid-19 has presented many problems for all sports leagues around the world, most importantly the ICA (International Chess Association). There have been rumblings in the Chess community that the 2021 World Championship could be played in an alternative venue or OTW (Over the Web). Playing online could create concerns that the Chess players are using an engine to assist in their play. As such, the consensus seems to be that the Championship should be played at Magnus Carlsen’s house, where the champion would host the winner of the candidates tournament for a prolonged sleepover, pending permission from his parents. Although this would help create the bubble type environment required to keep the championships safe, it could give Carlsen a significant home board advantage.

Any thoughts on this?

bong711 wrote:

Carlsens house is too small to accommodate their Seconds and the TV staff. *snip*

Definitely big enough for a sleepover according to the financial times. The furniture ranges from vulgar and cheap to vulgar and expensive - Carlsen's words not the bunny's - so very suitable for chess players.

As you could see during the chess able tournament hosted by chess 24 they used multiple cameras across the player’s room to make sure they weren’t looking at another monitor or using any other form of cheating so I think they would just do the same during the chess championships.
VladimirHerceg91 wrote:
*snip* Any thoughts on this?

Just that Vlad is back!

autobunny wrote:
bong711 wrote:

Carlsens house is too small to accommodate their Seconds and the TV staff. *snip*

Definitely big enough for a sleepover according to the financial times. The furniture ranges from vulgar and cheap to vulgar and expensive - Carlsen's words not the bunny's - so very suitable for chess players.

Carlsens house is big enough? I still prefer the WCC played aboard the Eclipse for promotional and marketing.

ColinDelabie wrote:
As you could see during the chess able tournament hosted by chess 24 they used multiple cameras across the player’s room to make sure they weren’t looking at another monitor or using any other form of cheating so I think they would just do the same during the chess championships.

That’s ridiculously not preventative.  How can one be sure that Carlsen’s dad isn’t whispering moves to him from the other room not in view of the cameras?  Again, the only solution is a sleep over. 


It's obvious that Magnus has prepared for this as he bought the house in 2015 right after dispatching Anand a second time effortlessly.  He even got a hammock to remind him of those matches. It's his favorite thing in the whole house. 

He apparently calls it the Anandmock. 

He hasn't yet decided whether to call his favorite car Caruana or Karjakin, though the latter name suggests car theft.

The bunny just reports what he hears.  Don't shoot the bunny.