
something I dont understand

I was winning a game online and then the server shut it down (I dont know why and it s not my connexion I was on wifi maybe the opponent left ?..) and I lost 20 point out of it can domeone explain me this ??

You have only played 2 games, and they are both draws.  Youre a new member, so your rating is going to flucuate a lot at first.  Playing on wifi can be sketchy.


Ok thx for the answer mate ! The 2nd one's the draw cuz the conexion drop but I guess it makes sense anyway

Motimote wrote:

Ok thx for the answer mate ! The 2nd one's the draw cuz the conexion drop but I guess it makes sense anyway

Glad to help.  Dont get to caught up in the ratin at first, because it will bounce all over the place at first.  Just keep on playing.


If this is the game you were talking about (I think so, since it is the one where you lost 20 points), the reason it is a draw is that the final position is a stalemate - a position where the player whose turn it is can not legally make a move but they are not in check (if they were in check, it would be a checkmate instead of a stalemate).  The server didn't shut it down and nobody lost connection, the game was over because your opponent didn't have any moves available to them.



oooooooh that makes even more sense then ^^' well sorry about the dumb question i'm not realy use to chess yet. Thx a lot.