
Takeback Request Option


Some years ago I used to play Live Chess at ICC. One of the available options there was the request to takeback a blunder, which your opponent could either grant or reject. Though I would never request a takeback myself, I would very often grant it if the move in question was a silly blunder which destroyed an otherwise nice game...

What is your opinion, people? Do you think such an option should be introduced in this site?



It feels bad to win an interesting game by a mere lapsus manus.


In my opinion takeback is a good option to have, but the only time I think it really works is if you made a mouseslip, because then you can take back that move and make the move you were originally going to make.

If yourself or your opponent has to power to accept or decline a takeback request, then I think it would be a good thing to introduce here.


Pretty sure it is already an option here, but only for unrated online (correspondence) games.


Taking back moves sacrifices the integrity and beauty of the game of Chess, and as such I am steadfastly opposed to the practice. I hold myself accountable for every move I make, which makes wins, losses, and draws much more satisfying and edifying.

baddogno is right. Taking back moves is allowed in unrated Online Chess games. It is a selectable option when creating an open seek.


The only time I want to take back a move is when I have a mouse slip.


Takeback ok for Online Chess, but please not for Live. If it is mouse slip, offer rematch. If offer got rejected, move on and have another game with other member.


When I have a mouse slip and say lose my Queen--I resign. Why not?

You have a lost game. Now you can play another game. The lost game will make little or no effect in your on line rating as after another 10 games you will be almost the same as if you did not lose that game.

Best not to accept or give take backs.


Only in unrated games if at all.




It's really frustrating to ruin a good game with a mouseslip,  but far better just to resign the game and move on,  rather than get angry at an opponent who refuses your 'take back'  request ("He MUST know that's a mouseslip!!") and otherwise ruining your day.  I'm pretty sure those things even out over time anyway.  I play on another site which allows takeback requests and I find the best policy is not to make such requests and not to agree to them. 


If you move your queen where it can be taken for free--is that a mouseslip?

if you overlook a mate in 1--is that a mouseslip?

If you miss an obvious N fork--is that a mouseslip?

If you make a really stupid move is that a mouseslip?

If you give up a pawn in the opening for no apparent reason--is that a mouseslip?

One problem with asking for or granting takebacks is determining when and why these takebacks should be granted. Much easier just to not grant takebacks and not ask for them yourself.

After all, during the course of an average game there will be at least a dozen mistakes and a "mouseslip" is just another way to make a mistake. 


The points made on matters of integrity and accountability surrounding a take-back are valid - so are the concerns regarding the possible abuse of such a function.


Still, we should not forget that this is optional - every player who feels strongly against it can simply choose to ignore it. However, since there are people (few or many, I do not know, perhaps a vote on the matter could enlighten us) who on good grounds are willing to consent to such a request, I see no valid reason for not making this option available to them.



TheGrobe long as the games are unrated.

joeydvivre wrote:
himath2009 wrote:

The points made on matters of integrity and accountability surrounding a take-back are valid - so are the concerns regarding the possible abuse of such a function.


Still, we should not forget that this is optional - every player who feels strongly against it can simply choose to ignore it. However, since there are people (few or many, I do not know, perhaps a vote on the matter could enlighten us) who on good grounds are willing to consent to such a request, I see no valid reason for not making this option available to them.



It's a pain in the butt.  On other sites where they have the takeback option, if you forget to disable it people make dumb moves and ask for a takeback.  When you ignore or refuse them they get obnoxious and angry.  Like if there is a takeback button you have to allow it.

That concern could be taken care of through your personal profile settings - you would disable the takeback request option permanently so no one would be able to bother you... 


If you are playing and you ignore a takeback request you are being impolite.


Disabling takeback if possible is best way to go.


If you do not have a permanent disabled take back option you can do what I do.  start with" Sorry, but I do not accept or give back takebacks."

If they still plead you repeat again and you might add "I have reasons for this"

If they still plead just say "Sorry" after that ignore.  If they start saying you won't take back because you want the rating points [or something like that] I say, "you are an idiot" or "what is your age? you sound very young and immature"

Be polite up to a certain degree.


Ok, I make a LOT of mouse slips... but its still my fault.  Chess should teach you to be deliberate and careful in every way, not in just your choice of move.  A player that's not precise enough to move his piece properly, regardless of his intent, is still not following the inherent precepts of our game. 

Just be careful, double check, and be precise in all aspects of the game.


I am stunned that takebacks exist.  I thought they were consigned to when 8 year olds play or senile grandmasters who should know better (like the famous Jadoubovitch nicknamed one, not famous enough that I remember his real name though lol.)


I think takebacks have a legitimate role in a teaching environment or between close friends; otherwise it just seems to sully the competitive environment that is one of the attractions of chess.