
Tips for Chess Beginners! 😃


Here are some tips for chess Beginners! 😃

1. Always play the Queen's pawn opening. It's one of the most beloved opening in the chess community.

2. If you start as black, abort the game. You can't play Queen's pawn when you go second!

3. NEVER CASTLE!!! It traps your king in the corner of the board. 

4. Don't promote to a piece that hasn't been captured. Ex: If I have a queen on the board, and move a pawn to promotion, I will have to remove my old queen if I want to promote.

5. If you are still struggling in a game, open analysis and copy the moves while playing. It will give some suggest moves.

Happy playing!!! 😃


Thank you master for these amazing tips, all beginners should follow this 🔥


I realize this is a joke thread, but some beginners might think this is serious advice and not know better.

Here is my advice in response to each of the numbered things in the original post:

1) I play 1. d4 myself, but I used to play 1. e4 and this is also good. Opening moves 1. c4 and 1. Nf3 are less common, but still solid opening moves. Those are the "best" 4 options to pick from. Other opening moves might be playable and have lots of mainline theory, but they aren't as popular for one reason or another and overall aren't as objectively strong as these options.

2) Don't abort games because of silly things like not wanting a certain color. Not only is this poor sportsmanship, but if you abort too many games in a certain time frame, then sends you a warning about this. Plus, aborting as a certain color will make the pairing system be MORE LIKELY to give you that same color next game because the pairing system tries to give you both white and black equally often.

3) Castling is one of the best moves to play for and it is also one of the main "opening principles" to follow. Here is an in-depth blog post of mine on chess opening principles and at the end, I share a bunch of useful hyperlinks to chess resources:

4) Capturing hanging material often (or recapturing) and protecting your material, so you don't hang them are both really important things for beginners to do. At the higher levels, maybe material isn't actually hanging, but rather "en prise" and a trap if captured ("poisoned"), but most lower level to intermediate level players blunder material more frequently than they set successful traps.

5) No! Don't do this. I know it is a joke, but that is cheating and against's fair play policy. Discussions of cheating are also not allowed in the public forums: please discuss anything cheating related in this club where it is allowed to be discussed: and if you suspect anyone of cheating, then just report them:


Thanks for the tips happy.


#3 that's really helpful. I won my first game against a player using these. Thanks!!!!


I thought it was real.sad.png