
Top 10 Best Chess Players


Please, bare in mind that this is how I currently think and this list may change any time.

This list is mostly for fun. I don't actually think there is a way to rank these players. 



Jose Raul Capablanca



To kick off our list, here is a chess player who was known for his talent. Capablanca has been regarded as one of the best players of all times for a while now. The fact that he is still in this discussion is mind boggling.



Vladimir Kramnik



Aside from the fact that he beat one of the most dominant players to exist without losing a single game, he has been consistently ranked among the top 10 players. The ageless Kramnik proudly takes our 9th spot.



Mikhail Tal



The magician from Riga, Mikhail Tal has become synonymous with attacking play style. His playing style dazzled opponents then, as much as it does now.



Mikhail Botvinnik



Aside from his strong play, his contributions to the game, he was someone who got a lot of players started in the game of chess, including Garry Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov.



Alexander Alekhine 



Alexander Alekhine's contributions have been invaluable. He was Garry Kasparov before Garry Kasparov and he reminds us why hard work beats talent (I am looking at you Capablanca)



Anatoly Karpov



One of the scariest oponents you could have. His style of play speaks for itself. Truly a timeless master.



Viswanathan Anand



Viswanathan Anand is truly ageless. He popularized chess in India. Played in times of Kasparov was dominant. He got beaten by the "new generation" player, instead of going into obsquirity, became the first champion to lose a title and win the candidate tournament to return... Played so much better and kept it interesting right till the penultimate game. Oh, and did I forget, he is the current rapid world champion. go and figure... Vishy, you earned it.



Bobby Fischer




Bobby Fischer is a text book example of a genius. He was unprecedented, unbelievable! The way he crushed oponents. Bobby Fischer remains undefeated as a world champion and who knows how long he could have reigned had he not... (oh well)



Garry Kasparov



Were it not for our #1, this man would certainly be at the top. Garry's dominance in chess has never been seen before. He is truly an amazing ambassador of the game. He resembles what a world champion should look like. And this brings us to our number 1.



Magnus Carlsen



I know, Magnus has not been a champion for a long time enough, to say this, but listen.

The era in which he has been dominating is what makes me say this. This is a time where national barriers are broken. Where today's number 12s jump to number 2 and vice versa. A time where every grandmaster has super computers to help them in preparations. Magnus has been so dominant. Fide list of rankings might as well place Magnus number one, and the next after him at number 4...

Magnus has the talent, the memory and he is a hard worker.

Something tells me he is gonna be reigning for a LONG TIME (If Fabiano Caruana happens to be reading this, I did not write this) 












So, what do you think?


Perfect.... but Kasparov still should be kept on first place... Carlsen is a genius there's no doubt in that... but still he has to prove many things... Many great players lost into oblivion after a brilliant start with their chess career... Reshevesky, Parimarjan Negi and many more... So we need to be patient a bit before establishing himself as the greatest..... Overall it's a nice attempt to renew both the bottle and the wine.....




I believe except Smyslov and Anand ,all other Champions are weired


I believe except Smyslov and Anand ,all other Champions are weired


I believe except Smyslov and Anand ,all other Champions are weired