
Way to soothe the pain of a loss


What I discovered mere hours ago is a way for the easily agitated to calm themselves so that anger does not cause more losses and destroy your rating in one blow, thus leading to more anger and more losses, and more anger, and losing heart and giving up. What is this cure for the number one cause of radical loss of interest in chess?

The forum. Watching some of the things people post here helps me get off the subject of losing long enough to see that it was just a mistake, a minor miscalculation. The only problem is how hard it is to tear myself away from this comedy club that is forums...I have yet to play another game because I'm distracted by some of these interesting topics.


I find making a account without my name/face and a ironic name makes losing much for bearable...still annoying though, I wish I had kept playing when I was I feel like I'm so behind people my age who play(19)


I'm assuming you meant "interesting", and not interesting.  


A loss means that there is a hole in your game that needs to be fixed. Nothing more, nothing less.


Do what everyone else around here does: head over to the daily puzzle thread and post "easy peasy" regardless of whether you got it right or not. There. Feel better?