
What are divisions and how do they work?


Hi, I'm wondering how the divisions work?

I don't know how there is a player above me who's highest rating is 665 and my current rating is 1887 when they've also played less games then me?

I play tougher games and also play more games so if it works by a trophy system how do they have 600+ trophies when I only have 200+ trophies?


The players you are paired with are random players in the same League as you, e.g. if you're in the wood league, you will be paired with ~49 other random players in the wood league. This article explains what you need to know and how to earn trophies:

Mango314 wrote:

The players you are paired with are random players in the same League as you, e.g. if you're in the wood league, you will be paired with ~49 other random players in the wood league. This article explains what you need to know and how to earn trophies:   

" How do I get out of the wood league?




You're in first place in your Wood League right now, so you will advance to the Silver League in about 21 hours. 

Mango314 wrote:

You're in first place in your Wood League right now, so you will advance to the Silver League in about 21 hours." oh ok thanks that's what i was thinking I just wanted to make sure because i made a mistake last time i was at the top and left the division lmao



What comes after the Legend?


whats after stone league