




Because at anything less than expert you're just pushing wood.  Some push wood better than others.


You suck at bullet for the same reason I suck at both blitz and bullet... your nature and training are contrary to the need to sacrifice material to make the timer your ally...

The last two or three games I lost, I had an awesome material and positional advantage, but came up short about 10 to 20 seconds each time... I have considered maybe playing 5 minute games, but I know that it is possible to cheat at that speed.


As I have noted before, bullet chess is nothing more than a chess variant, like Crazyhouse, Atomic, or Loser's Chess. It doesn't mimic real chess in that accuracy is shed for speed. Real standard time controls like 40 moves in 2 hours, and 20 moves per hour are what will teach you to play real chess, and give you better oportunities to maximize your talent.


The internet has changed chess. Blitz and Bullet are fun, but lead to bad habits that will hurt your development as a chess player. Note, FIDE does not give titles for Bullet chess, and neither does the USCF, wherei got my NM award back in 1981.


I hasn't played much bullet or blitz before because I am bad at it.  I need to learn more and like rats said I think 20 moves an hour is a good pacing to learn.  With bullet/blitz your higher functions are short-circuited in order to save time, and in correspondence you take so long with each game that you lose your train of thought and forget what your big strrrrategy was.

I'll be moar than happy to play bullet with you VULPES if you want prrrractice with an easier adversary :3 <3's

WeisseSchachlade wrote:

I hasn't played much bullet or blitz before because I am bad at it.  I need to learn more and like rats said I think 20 moves an hour is a good pacing to learn.  With bullet/blitz your higher functions are short-circuited in order to save time, and in correspondence you take so long with each game that you lose your train of thought and forget what your big strrrrategy was.

I'll be moar than happy to play bullet with you VULPES if you want prrrractice with an easier adversary :3 <3's

I don't know... I think I'll be the easier of us two.

aww-rats wrote:

As I have noted before, bullet chess is nothing more than a chess variant, like Crazyhouse, Atomic, or Loser's Chess. It doesn't mimic real chess in that accuracy is shed for speed. Real standard time controls like 40 moves in 2 hours, and 20 moves per hour are what will teach you to play real chess, and give you better oportunities to maximize your talent.


The internet has changed chess. Blitz and Bullet are fun, but lead to bad habits that will hurt your development as a chess player. Note, FIDE does not give titles for Bullet chess, and neither does the USCF, wherei got my NM award back in 1981.

Correct Mr NM Aw Rats. I agree. You become worse with wrong habits. 

aww-rats wrote:

 bullet chess is nothing more than a chess variant, 

This is an interesting idea to think about.


Why do you have slow reflexes?

Answer that, and you will get the answer to your question.


Rrrrreflexes are thought by some to be related to intelligence -- myelination, speed of neuron firing and all that. So if your rrrreflexes are slow then it MIGHT be an indication that you are a slow learner. Or just inhibited in some other way. As for I, well, being a cat I have good rrrreflexes and I'm a fast learner as well, but the way my rrrrrating stands after having played chess for a little over half of my 14 months of life well you be the judge of that >^.^

There is clear difference between reflex actions that are instinctive and thinking through a set of circumstances and being aware of the consequenses. Most of the fast moves that made in chess are made from experience, not fast calculation. Comparing brain function to something something perhaps more tangibly understood... if you create two computer processor units that would have equal speed, except for the choice of materials allowing the information to be proceesed faster and the compared that to human brains, you'd realize that taking credit for somehow being smarter because you can move you hand faster is follied. Due to simply the construction of the two people in question, it can take a processed signal longer to be manifest. If you are a relatively inexperienced blitz player doing well, you might want to consider luck as a factor, since experience or calculation aren't how moves were chosen...

Because you don't know how to turn off the caps lock?

Either that or because  you haven't come to the korrect conclusion that playing bullet chess is bad for your chess health, learning AND improvement - not to mention for your temper as well

Either change your attitude and keep on playing bullet  chess once you realize it's all for fun and pretty much a waste of chess time, or else start playing slower games and/or turn-based games if you're serious about improving.


its just patterns, tricks and speed players are really faster than others at that


Bullet is hard.