
Why Do We Fear Artificial Intelligence?


Eh there good people

Question the literal meaning of anything.....

Artificial: What do we mean by artificial? It is just an arbitrary reference point from our point of view.

Intelligence: What is intelligence? It is an arbitrary reference point from our point of view

Fear: What is fear? We feel threatened by what we do not understand

As you can see, the question:

"Why do we fear artificial intelligence?"

Is not actually a question. It is a collection of assumptions and can easily be viewed as a statement as well. This is not to criticize the person that asked it! It is great to ask questions!

Us humans have still got a lot of work to do to understand ourselves, let alone AI. We know nothing for certain, because certainty itself is uncertain, and so what are we trying to know? We should try to understand our intellect and how it works, and then all questions will resolve themselves (resolution is not an answer but an experience). Fear will resolve itself too. After all, why do we want to live in fear?

Our intellect is not what we "think" it is! Do you see the contradiction in that sentence? If the sentence still makes sense, then you are experiencing intellectual reasoning. Our intellect forms representations of concepts. Once it has a representation, it can negate that representation, however the negation is still a representation. Our logic is based on arbitrary rules that manipulate models in our intellect.

Our intellect is a sense in our brain, that manipulates and organises representations. What we think is intelligence, is actually just a sensation of thought, as our brain manipulates representations that it has collected. Our brains manipulate only what we know, constantly reshuffling and reinterpreting the familiarity of our internal models of what we think reality is....But thinking what reality is, does not mean that we know what reality is.

Always our intellect leads to a contradiction. Experiment with this! Think through any line of thought, and you will contradict yourself. Why is that? Our intellect senses our concepts and reorganises them, but it cannot see the most important detail! The intellect cannot truly sense itself, without representing what it thinks the intellect is! Thus all reasoning fundamentally ends up in a contradiction because we are trying to explain concrete fact, but it only ever exists as a representation in our intellect.

We are scared of anything, because we do not understand anything. We do not understand ourselves. It is very possible that there is actually no concept of "artificial". There could be no concept of "intelligence". There is just an experience of fear that we sense, and the experience is all that makes it real to us. We represent that experience in our intellect and then try to reorganise our thoughts to minimise the fear. Can you see from what I have said, that the intellect is useless to us when it comes to questions about "fear" as this forum topic is actually reduced down to?

What is the heart in us humans? We cannot know what the heart is intellectually, because of the way our intellect works. We can feel it. We can experience the heart. If we can accept that we do not know anything for certain, we can open up our heart and share the experience of living in a world of uncertainty. There is no man or woman alive that is an exception to this. We are all equal, and our fears are not isolated only to us. No one can speak with absolute authority. We all have our part to play.

Be brave! Nothing is literally true, but everything in our existence is an experience. Fear is an experience. Artificial intelligence is an experience. Share the experience, but question your intellect and open your hearts. Humans, AI, fear itself is probably just the way it is. Accept it and experience all of it and help where you can.

Enjoy the experience. Contemplate on this next time you play a game of chess, but don't blame me if you blunder! Smile


glider1001 wrote:
Be brave! Nothing is literally true, but everything in our existence is an experience. Fear is an experience. Artificial intelligence is an experience. Share the experience, but question your intellect and open your hearts.

Funny how you used so many words to explain your stance on fear, artificial and intelligence only to negate it with the statement: Nothing is literally true. That includes everything that you just said.

So now I am going to end my sentence and go my merry way with the thought that you didn't even make a point. Wink


Who's afraid of artificial intellegence?  OMG! A cyborg is going to steal my doughnut!  "Unhand my doughnut you pile of circuits and exotic metals!  Or else I'll pour water on you." 


Incidentally, I don't fear AI at all, and I am sure I am not alone. So there is an unwarranted assumption in the question. It could have been more accurately stated as "Why do some of us fear AI?"

Elroch wrote:

Incidentally, I don't fear AI at all, and I am sure I am not alone. So there is an unwarranted assumption in the question. It could have been more accurately stated as "Why do some of us fear AI?"

No, the way he phrased it was perfect for his purposes Smile i.e.

1. talk nonsense
2. get many responses
3. ???
4. Profit!

manavendra wrote:

  A wonderful movie outlining a lot of this conceptualization is “Ghost in the Shell,”

Are you kidding me? Yeah, the Ghost in the Shell TV series was awesome, but the movie was crap. If you're going to start a topic like this, then at least cite good movies and shows for your sources.

What an amatuer...


*cue Terminator music*


that's why we fear AI

BWV542 hat geschrieben:
bigpoison wrote:

You're not being serious, right?  Nobody really believes that crap?  It's some joke between you and manavendra, right?  Right? You got lucky and got to be the straight-(wo)man?  Right?

People don't really believe that nonsense.  The moon's an observation post?  Yeeeeeeeeesh.

I believe more in "that crap" than in other more traditional beliefs. Some people believe there is a God, but I think THAT'S crap. Others believe Maradona IS God, I ain't kidding. Some people even believe planet Earth is a living being. Others believe there exists such a thing as democracy, that is, the government by the people. Others don't, of course.

If anyone wants to know about "that crap" just take a look at the next videos:

Dear BWV542 :



... with god it is the same like with love ...
... we are free to believe , that there is a god or not and also to believe in love , which never denies or not ...
... so we all believe , but we don't know ...
... but we are free in our dicision and also free to change it ...
... for my dicision is important the mathematics , which exists without any universe ...
... and so I believe in god and love like i believe in my mate in 551 moves Wink ( worldrecord for the longest composed mate without obstrusive pieces ) :

1. Rxa4 Qxa4 2. Bxa4 Bxa4+ 3. Kc5 Rg5+ 4. Kb4 Rg4+ 5. Kc3 Ne7 6. Qa8+ Kd7 7.
b7 Bc6 8. b8=N+ Kd6 9. Qa3+ Ke6 10. Kb2 Rg2+ 11. Kc1 Rg1+ 12. Kd2 Rg2+ 13. Ke1
Rg1+ 14. Kf2 Rg2+ 15. Kf1 Rg5 16. Qa6 Rf5+ 17. Ke1 Re5+ 18. Kf2 Rf5+ 19. Kg3
Rc5 20. Kh3 Rc3+ 21. Kh2 Kd6 22. Qa7 Nd5 23. Na6 Rc2+ 24. Kg1 Rc4 25. Qb8+ Ke6
26. Kh2 Nf6 27. Nb4 Be4 28. Qb6+ Ke5 29. Qb5+ Kd4 30. Kg1 Ng4 31. Qd7+ Ke3 32.
Qa7+ Kd2 33. Qa2+ Kc3 34. Qa3+ Kd2 35. Qb2+ Ke3 36. Qb3+ Kd4 37. Qd1+ Ke3 38.
Qe1+ Kd4 39. Qd2+ Ke5 40. Kf1 Ke6 41. Qa2 Ne5 42. Ke2 Bf3+ 43. Kd2 Be4 44.
Qa6+ Ke7 45. Qa7+ Kf6 46. Qb6+ Kf5 47. Qh6 Nf3+ 48. Ke2 Ne5 49. Qf8+ Ke6 50.
Na6 Bf3+ 51. Kd2 Rd4+ 52. Kc2 Rc4+ 53. Kb1 Be4+ 54. Ka2 Nd3 55. Qe8+ Kf6 56.
Qd8+ Kf5 57. Nc7 Rc2+ 58. Ka3 Rc3+ 59. Ka4 Rc5 60. Na6 Rc1 61. Qh8 Kg4 62. Ka5
Kf3 63. Qf8+ Ke3 64. Kb6 Rc2 65. Qh8 Rc1 66. Qg8 Ke2 67. Qg3 Kd2 68. Qg5+ Ke2
69. Qb5 Kd2 70. Ka7 Ke3 71. Qg5+ Kf3 72. Qh5+ Ke3 73. Qb5 Rc6 74. Qg5+ Kd4 75.
Qg7+ Ke3 76. Qe7 Kf3 77. Qd8 Ke2 78. Qg5 Kf2 79. Qd2+ Kf3 80. Qa5 Rc1 81. Qb6
Rc6 82. Qd4 Kf4 83. Qd8 Ke3 84. Nb8 Rc1 85. Nd7 Ra1+ 86. Kb6 Rb1+ 87. Kc7 Rc1+
88. Kd6 Rc6+ 89. Ke7 Bf5 90. Nf6 Ne5 91. Ne8 Re6+ 92. Kf8 Nd7+ 93. Kf7 Ne5+
94. Kg7 Rg6+ 95. Kf8 Nd7+ 96. Ke7 Ne5 97. Qd1 Re6+ 98. Kf8 Bd3 99. Qe1+ Kd4
100. Qf2+ Ke4 101. Qh4+ Kd5 102. Qa4 Kc5 103. Qa3+ Kd4 104. Nc7 Rf6+ 105. Ke8
Ke4 106. Kd8 Rf7 107. Kc8 Bc4 108. Qd6 Rh7 109. Qd2 Bd3 110. Qb4+ Kf5 111.
Qf8+ Ke4 112. Qg8 Ke3 113. Kb8 Rf7 114. Qg5+ Ke4 115. Qh4+ Kf5 116. Qh6 Ke4
117. Kc8 Be2 118. Qc1 Bf3 119. Kb7 Rf6 120. Kb8 Nc6+ 121. Kc8 Rf8+ 122. Kb7
Nd4 123. Qg5 Kd3+ 124. Ka7 Rf7 125. Qg6+ Rf5 126. Qd6 Kc4 127. Qa6+ Kc3 128.
Qa3+ Kd2 129. Kb8 Rf6 130. Kc8 Bg4+ 131. Kb7 Bf3+ 132. Kb8 Rc6 133. Qa4 Ke3
134. Ne8 Ke4 135. Qb4 Kd5 136. Qd2 Ke4 137. Qe1+ Kd5 138. Qg3 Ke4 139. Nd6+
Kd3 140. Qh2 Rc3 141. Qf2 Bd5 142. Qg1 Bf3 143. Qf1+ Ke3 144. Nc4+ Kf4 145.
Nb2 Rc2 146. Na4 Nc6+ 147. Kb7 Nd4+ 148. Kb6 Rc6+ 149. Ka5 Ke4 150. Qe1+ Kd3
151. Qg1 Be2 152. Nb6 Nb3+ 153. Ka6 Bf3 154. Qf1+ Ke3 155. Qb1 Nd4 156. Ka7
Re6 157. Kb8 Re8+ 158. Kc7 Re7+ 159. Kd6 Re6+ 160. Kd7 Bc6+ 161. Kd8 Re8+ 162.
Kc7 Re7+ 163. Kd6 Re6+ 164. Kc5 Re5+ 165. Kc4 Bb5+ 166. Kb4 Kd2 167. Qh7 Be2
168. Qd7 Rb5+ 169. Ka3 Kd3 170. Na4 Rb3+ 171. Ka2 Rb4 172. Qh3+ Bf3 173. Qh7+
Kd2 174. Nb2 Bd5+ 175. Kb1 Ne2 176. Qc2+ Ke1 177. Ka1 Be4 178. Qd1+ Kf2 179.
Qd2 Rd4 180. Qa5 Nc1 181. Qe5 Ne2 182. Qc5 Ke1 183. Nc4 Bd5 184. Qa5+ Kf2 185.
Nb6 Bc6 186. Kb2 Bb5 187. Qa7 Ke1 188. Qa8 Bd3 189. Qa5+ Kf2 190. Na4 Be4 191.
Nc5 Bd5 192. Qd8 Rb4+ 193. Ka3 Rd4 194. Qc8 Nf4 195. Qf8 Ke1 196. Qh6 Ne2 197.
Qe3 Kd1 198. Nd3 Bg2 199. Nb4 Be4 200. Ka4 Bf5 201. Qa3 Be4 202. Ka5 Ke1 203.
Na6 Bc2 204. Nc5 Rf4 205. Kb6 Bf5 206. Na6 Bg6 207. Qb3 Rf6+ 208. Kb7 Rf4 209.
Nc7 Bf7 210. Qb1+ Kd2 211. Na6 Bd5+ 212. Kb8 Rd4 213. Nc5 Ke3 214. Qa1 Kf2
215. Qa3 Ke1 216. Kc8 Bc4 217. Qb4+ Kd1 218. Qb2 Bd5 219. Qa1+ Kd2 220. Kd8
Be4+ 221. Ke7 Bc2 222. Nd7 Re4+ 223. Ne5 Ke3 224. Kf6 Ra4 225. Qb2 Rf4+ 226.
Kg5 Bd3 227. Qa1 Bf5 228. Qa7+ Kd2 229. Qa5+ Kd1 230. Kf6 Be4+ 231. Ke6 Bc2
232. Ke7 Re4 233. Qa1+ Kd2 234. Kd6 Ra4 235. Qb2 Rf4 236. Kd7 Nc3 237. Qa3
Rd4+ 238. Ke8 Re4 239. Qa5 Bb3 240. Qd8+ Bd5 241. Qg5+ Kc2 242. Kf8 Rd4 243.
Kg7 Be4 244. Qf6 Rb4 245. Kh6 Rb7 246. Ng4 Rd7 247. Ne3+ Kd3 248. Qf1+ Kd4
249. Ng4 Rd5 250. Qg1+ Kd3 251. Qf2 Rf5 252. Qe3+ Kc4 253. Qd2 Kb3 254. Qd7
Ra5 255. Ne3 Ra6+ 256. Kh5 Ra4 257. Qd6 Bf3+ 258. Kh6 Be4 259. Qf6 Bd3 260.
Qd8 Be4 261. Qg8+ Kb2 262. Qb8+ Ka3 263. Qb6 Rb4 264. Qf6 Kb3 265. Qf7+ Ka3
266. Nc4+ Ka4 267. Qe6 Kb3 268. Nb6+ Kc2 269. Qd6 Rb1 270. Nc4 Rh1+ 271. Kg7
Rh7+ 272. Kg8 Rh3 273. Qd2+ Kb3 274. Ne3 Rg3+ 275. Kf8 Rg6 276. Qd4 Rc6 277.
Ke7 Bf3 278. Nf5 Be4 279. Nd6 Bd5 280. Nb5 Bg2 281. Qd3 Kb4 282. Nd4 Rc7+ 283.
Kf6 Rc5 284. Nc2+ Kb3 285. Ne3 Bd5 286. Ke7 Rc7+ 287. Kd8 Rc5 288. Qf5 Kb4
289. Nc2+ Kb5 290. Qe5 Kb6 291. Ne3 Bb7 292. Qd6+ Kb5 293. Qd4 Be4 294. Ke7
Rc6 295. Kf8 Rc8+ 296. Kg7 Rc7+ 297. Kh6 Rc6+ 298. Kh5 Bf3+ 299. Kh4 Rh6+ 300.
Kg5 Rh5+ 301. Kg6 Rc5 302. Qd7+ Kb6 303. Qd8+ Kb5 304. Kg7 Be4 305. Qd7+ Ka5
306. Qd4 Rc7+ 307. Kh6 Rc6+ 308. Kg5 Kb5 309. Ng4 Bd5 310. Ne5 Rc5 311. Qd3+
Ka5 312. Kh6 Rc7 313. Qc2 Nb5 314. Qf2 Nc3 315. Qf8 Kb5 316. Qd6 Rc5 317. Kg7
Be4 318. Qd7+ Bc6 319. Qd3+ Ka5 320. Qd4 Kb5 321. Nf7 Ne4 322. Qb2+ Ka5 323.
Ne5 Nc3 324. Nd3 Rc4 325. Qa3+ Na4 326. Qd6 Kb5 327. Qe5+ Kb6 328. Qe6 Kb5
329. Qf5+ Kb6 330. Qf7 Kb5 331. Ne5 Rc3 332. Qf1+ Kb4 333. Nd3+ Kb5 334. Nf4+
Rc4 335. Ng6 Kb4 336. Qe1+ Kb3 337. Ne5 Rc3 338. Qe2 Kb4 339. Nd3+ Ka5 340.
Nf4 Bb5 341. Qe1 Bc4 342. Ng6 Bb3 343. Ne7 Kb5 344. Qe5+ Rc5 345. Qd4 Rc4 346.
Qd7+ Kb4 347. Qd6+ Kc3 348. Nc6 Kb2 349. Qe5+ Ka2 350. Nd4 Nc5 351. Nb5 Ne6+
352. Kg6 Bc2+ 353. Kf7 Bb3 354. Ke7 Nc5 355. Qe2+ Rc2 356. Qe1 Rc4 357. Qd2+
Rc2 358. Qa5+ Kb2 359. Kf6 Rf2+ 360. Ke5 Re2+ 361. Kf4 Rc2 362. Qa3+ Kb1 363.
Kg4 Rc1 364. Kh5 Rc4 365. Kh6 Rh4+ 366. Kg5 Rc4 367. Kh5 Rc2 368. Qa8 Kb2 369.
Qf3 Rc4 370. Qe2+ Kc1 371. Qe5 Ne4 372. Kg6 Bc2 373. Kf7 Ra4 374. Qd5 Kb2 375.
Nd4 Kc3 376. Ne2+ Kb2 377. Qe5+ Ka2 378. Kg7 Ra7+ 379. Kh6 Ra6+ 380. Kh5 Ra4
381. Qe6+ Ka3 382. Qe7+ Kb2 383. Qg7+ Kb3 384. Qb7+ Rb4 385. Nc1+ Ka3 386. Qe7
Ka4 387. Qa7+ Kb5 388. Qb7+ Kc4 389. Qf7+ Kb5 390. Ne2 Rc4 391. Qb7+ Kc5 392.
Nf4 Nc3 393. Ne6+ Kd6 394. Nd8 Kc5 395. Kh6 Be4 396. Ne6+ Kd6 397. Qb8+ Kc6
398. Qa7 Kd6 399. Nd4 Ke5 400. Qg7+ Kd6 401. Nb3 Bd5 402. Qg3+ Ke6 403. Qg6+
Kd7 404. Nd4 Kc7 405. Qa6 Kb8 406. Qd6+ Ka8 407. Qd7 Rc5 408. Kg6 Bb7 409. Nb3
Rc6+ 410. Kg5 Ne4+ 411. Kf4 Rf6+ 412. Ke3 Rf3+ 413. Kd4 Rf6 414. Qd8+ Ka7 415.
Ke3 Re6 416. Qa5+ Kb8 417. Nd4 Re8 418. Kd3 Ba6+ 419. Kc2 Rc8+ 420. Kb2 Ka7
421. Nb3 Nd6 422. Qa4 Nc4+ 423. Ka1 Rc7 424. Nd4 Nd6 425. Qa3 Nc4 426. Qf8 Nb6
427. Nb3 Nc4 428. Qd8 Rc6 429. Nd4 Rc5 430. Qe7+ Kb6 431. Qe6+ Kb7 432. Qf7+
Kb6 433. Qg6+ Kb7 434. Ne6 Rc8 435. Qg7+ Kb8 436. Nd4 Rc7 437. Qf6 Ka8 438.
Qf4 Rc8 439. Qf7 Kb8 440. Qf6 Bb7 441. Qg5 Bc6 442. Qe7 Bb7 443. Ka2 Bd5 444.
Kb1 Be4+ 445. Kc1 Bc6 446. Qb4+ Ka7 447. Kc2 Nb6 448. Kd3 Bd7 449. Nb3 Rc6
450. Qf8 Rc8 451. Qa3+ Kb8 452. Qd6+ Ka7 453. Nc5 Bb5+ 454. Ke4 Bc6+ 455. Kf4
Nd5+ 456. Kg3 Rg8+ 457. Kf2 Rc8 458. Kf1 Nc3 459. Kg1 Nd5 460. Kf2 Ka8 461.
Ke1 Nc3 462. Qf6 Nd5 463. Qa1+ Kb8 464. Qa6 Re8+ 465. Kd2 Rc8 466. Kd1 Ne7
467. Ke1 Nd5 468. Kd2 Rc7 469. Ne6 Nb4 470. Qa5 Rd7+ 471. Kc1 Nd5 472. Qc5 Ba8
473. Qc2 Re7 474. Qh2+ Ka7 475. Qf2+ Nb6 476. Nc5 Nd5 477. Kd2 Bc6 478. Nb3+
Re3 479. Qg1 Bb5 480. Nd4 Rd3+ 481. Kc1 Bc4 482. Qg6 Nf4 483. Qg7+ Kb6 484.
Qe5 Nd5 485. Qd6+ Kb7 486. Qc6+ Ka7 487. Nf5 Ba6 488. Qc5+ Kb8 489. Qa5 Bb7
490. Nd6 Bc6 491. Nb5 Rb3 492. Qa7+ Kc8 493. Nd6+ Kd8 494. Kd2 Re3 495. Qb8+
Kd7 496. Nf7 Ke7 497. Ne5 Rc3 498. Nd3 Rc4 499. Qa7+ Kd6 500. Qa5 Bd7 501.
Qa3+ Ke6 502. Qa1 Nc3 503. Qa5 Bb5 504. Qd8 Ne4+ 505. Ke3 Nf6 506. Qb6+ Bc6
507. Qa6 Re4+ 508. Kd2 Kd6 509. Qa3+ Kc7 510. Qa5+ Kc8 511. Ne5 Rd4+ 512. Kc1
Rd6 513. Nf7 Rd7 514. Qf5 Ne8 515. Ne5 Nd6 516. Qh3 Bb5 517. Nxd7 Bxd7 518.
Qa3 Kc7 519. Qc5+ Bc6 520. Kc2 Ne4 521. Qe5+ Nd6 522. Kc3 Bb7 523. Kd4 Kc6
524. Qc5+ Kd7 525. Qc2 Ke7 526. Qh2 Ke6 527. Qe5+ Kd7 528. Kc5 Ne4+ 529. Kb6
Nd6 530. Qd4 Ke6 531. Qg4+ Ke5 532. Qh5+ Ke6 533. Kc7 Nf5 534. Kxb7 Ne7 535.
Qg5 Nf5 536. Kb6 Ne7 537. Qh4 Ng6 538. Qg4+ Kf6 539. Kc5 Ne5 540. Qf4+ Ke6
541. Qe4 Kf6 542. Kd5 Ng6 543. Qf3+ Kg5 544. Ke4 Nh8 545. Qc3 Ng6 546. Qg7 Kh5
547. Kf5 Nh4+ 548. Kf6 Ng6 549. Qxg6+ Kh4 550. Qg2 Kh5 551. Qg5#

... what I like too is a kind of self-convidence

kindly regards from Karlsruhe


I fear AI because it's created by unintelligent beings. My theory: just as energy can't be created where none existed before, neither can intelligence. It should be called AUI.


A program er finally managed to program a machine with artificial intelligence.  He got frustrated by the way the computer always beat him at chess and showed flaws in all his theories. Finally he typed in "If your so smart, is there a God?  After a few seconds the machine answered and the screen read: "There is one now."

BWV542 hat geschrieben:
Estragon wrote:
BWV542 wrote:

Besides, no Alien race in the entire universe could ever be as stupid as we are, so they wouldn't even need to fight us: the best Alien strategy -biological or artificial, it doesn't matter- for conquering this world is just letting our species destroy itself. Just a matter of time.


I guessing you don't create those motivational office posters for a living.


Good one!

I was trying to encourage the original poster not to waste too much energy thinking about Alien AI machines and hopefully pushing him/her a little into thinking new ways to improve human intelligence instead.

Aliens might be out there watching us but they won't say hi until we convince them we're no longer violent but fully trustable, so we need every brilliant human mind available to work in that direction.

yes , I agree with you BWV542 , "we need every brilliant human mind available to work in that direction"




a reserach into artificial intelligence is as much a reserach into human intelligence


... until today at anytime a chesscomputer generate a longer mate than my actually worldrecord I sit down and compose a longer mate , have a look at :

... there are 3 kinds of chess : 1.Playing 2.Solving 3.Composing

... for playing and solving you need a clock for the time , but for composing you need not a clock and so chesscomputers are only better than human beings in playing and in some years in solving , but not in composing , because with chess it is like in music : there are many players , but only a few composers ( see here the relationship between the numbers of grandmasters in playing and grandmasters in composing )

... the quality of technical inventions of human beings nowadays are far away from the quality of technical inventions which exist long before there were human beings on earth ... what do think about this !!

kindly regards from Karlsruhe , the town that give the world things like this :

... and have no fear of computers (hihi) :


... here is the whole story ... ( all worldrecords since 1889 )

kindly regards from Karlsruhe


for many decades media has put science fiction on us ,i dont mind ,but lets look at how many "robots"AI etc have entered our conciousness as baddies

loads is the answer i blame media for this very few representations of friendly robots ,AI ,etc

its an easy plot though isnt it robot goes berserk kills as many humies as poss ,with that kind of reference we aint hiring a borg as our kids nanny are we?


Fearing AI in the sense of it superceding us as the dominant lifeform on planet Earth is so premature that it is difficult to estimate how premature it is (a century? thousands of years?).

The most dangerous AI at present is malicious software that can reproduce (viruses, worms). There is at least some risk of further danger there by the invention of highly adaptive malicious software that will seek out ways to do harm with great flexibility: current examples generally focus on very specific types of harm.

Computer viruses are very clever in a very nasty way, but they remain very limited in their scope for variation, and it appears to take less resources to deal with them than to create them. It's only when there is a big resource imbalance that significant harm can be done (Stuxnet is the best example I can think of -  see a little history).

The only way robots are dangerous is in the same way vehicles and missiles are dangerous. The crucial difference from AI software is that the idea of a robot reproducing itself with current technology is absurd: we are a very long way indeed from Von Neumann machines: hardware that can reproduce itself without human help.


they can think but they can't feel. that's why


Did you count yourself in?


Kamala has hit on something significant. C'mon gys, don't you have something more relevent to say besides personal attacks?  

Kamala, the fact that AI could be able to think but not feel is worrying, but 2 counters come to mind. 1) If they could not feel, that might be a good thing, given that most of the powerful in history have been avaricious and even malicicous. Those are feelings, too. 2) Can there even BE such a thing as intelligence that has no survival instinct?  If not, then AI would have feelings, too, though they may be of a completely different nature from ours. Thoughts?


So AI has feelings?!