
Why is chess getting so popular all of the sudden in 2023?




netflix, ludwig, xqc, twitch, gothamchess i think are the main reasons


I think Senor Trumpico used to kick chess off the front page, but not any more! happy.png

gawdIsGreat wrote:

It's 2023. It's been years since the pandemic lockdowns. It's been years since the 'queens gambit' series gained popularity. It's been months since the magnus scandal. Yet, chess seems to be much more popular  than its ever been; chess youtubers are making record clicks, servers are at capacity with millions of games running and all of the guys in my class started playing.


What has happened in the last couple weeks?

Preppers. The apocalypse is near. Chess is a life skill.


gotham chess shorts, i found out about online chess through that, i mean before i already play chess , but only against my friends and family on board

1e4_0-1 wrote:

quite a few of the nerdier kids in my school are playing chess but none of them are any good at all.... they only play 1|0 xd

They're not playing chess then.


Does seem like chess epidemic is not only on reddit thread about everyone playing chess in school


Chess is also becoming popular in schools.

easytarget wrote:
Observer bias.

Not at all.

I see Botez on YouTube hamming it up. It is very old school. I'm surprised that old school, in the park, WWE style presentation is popular.

Chess has been on the rise since the invention of the computer. It goes hand in hand. It is the Sargon II on the Commodore 64 that re-introduced me to chess.

Computers will rise and chess will rise. They're made for each other.




Utub streamer caught my eye...not you know


My school blocked chess because so many people were playing it during class.


I think Chess started being popular in 2020 b/c of COVID19 and everyone had to stay home.

Deadmanparty hat geschrieben:



LeoLOL87 wrote:

I think Chess started being popular in 2020 b/c of COVID19 and everyone had to stay home.

There was a bump from that and another one during the Queen's Gambit run. More recently, there was another very large increase in interest.

Martin_Stahl skrev:
LeoLOL87 wrote:

I think Chess started being popular in 2020 b/c of COVID19 and everyone had to stay home.

There was a bump from that and another one during the Queen's Gambit run. More recently, there was another very large increase in interest.

Can remember for sure but didn't poker had a couple of small bumps and got into mainstream awareness before the boom in 00'? It was in a couple well know movies, Rounders being most famous, together with platforms for online poker and television poker where viewers could see the cards and easily follow the game. Then an amateur (Moneymaker) won a lot of money and the rest is history.

Technically, we had some local bumps in India and China where chess became more famous in 2010's. We had a lot of mature online platforms for playing, some even with bells and whistles (or more correctly seasonal bots and achievements) and then pandemic happened. Awareness rose in public due to streamers and Netflix, platforms for playing were already there. Couple of drama, some different mentions by different social media profiles, availability in class room unlike other games and boom, every school child is now playing... until school blocks it.


I hope this ends


I don't know why, but more and more people are really interested in chess


Maybe this?


It's become trendy. Your friends are playing it, so you decide to join in, give it a try and start playing them- it may have started with the queen's gambit and the cheating scandal, but it's had a butterfly effect. In schools, trends catch on fast and spread like a virus.

Only a fraction of those who join up are serious about improvement, and that's okay. For everyone else, there is a lot of very watchable, high quality, entertaining chess content being recommended on TikTok and YouTube, and the popularity of that content has caused the algorithms to promote it more widely, so it continues to snowball.

Personally I have no idea why I started playing in October. I had seen the queens gambit probably a year earlier, and I somehow didn't even catch the news about the cheating scandal until after I'd started playing on here daily. I might be an outlier, but I decided to just give it a try to see if I could get good enough to beat my dad, and to feel I'm learning something in my free time rather than wasting it scrolling- and then it was addicting. Needless to say, I can beat my dad, but I have new goals- 1500, then 1800, hopefully by the end of the year. I watch high level games and whilst I'm getting better at following what's happening and predicting the best move, I want to be able to play like that myself- there's really nothing else motivating me. I don't have friends who play and don't plan on entering tournaments.