
How To Exit Dark Mode!


Hello everyone, I am @yygogo99 and I'm about to tell you a very interesting story. (ok, might not be so interesting though to you 😂 but anyway)

This evening, I was playing a game of 3 minute blitz and was about to play move #6. However...



...I accidentally enabled Dark Mode somehow!! I just clicked somewhere and the screen and text suddenly became all dark and woozy. Things looked very different and unclear. I was like omg, what am I supposed to do now? It's only move 6 but if I exit Live Chess to try and find a solution to the problem, I would be immediately forfeited for 'abandoning the game'. Of course, I wanted to play on (who wants to lose a game for no 'real' reason in just 5 moves?), but I only had about 2 min 30 sec left, so there was not enough time to try to solve the problem on the spot. I thought for about a minute whether or not I should continue playing. At the end I furiously decided to leave the game and began searching for a way to exit Dark Mode.

I looked at many other forums about Dark Mode, but no one has posted any effective solution before. I tried changing my theme settings. Nothing happened. Reloading the site multiple times didn't work either. I found other people who had the same problem, but they were also clueless. I was almost in a state of panic, until after some time and experimenting, I finally found a solution. I was actually a bit surprised at first, as it was quite simple.

So now, I'm gonna show all of you how to exit Dark Mode, in case you ever accidentally activated it in Live Chess, or even worse, during a blitz game just like me!! And please remember to thank me later for writing this article because I sacrificed 8 rating points in doing so! (just kidding 😂)



Go to Live Chess (


There should be an 'Observing Game' on your screen (usually it's a bullet/blitz game between two strong bullet/blitz players). If not, click on the 'Events' tab (the tab with the binoculars) and click on a game there.


Click the 'Settings' button (circled in red below)



STEP 4. 

This pop-up should appear in the middle of the screen.



Disable 'Dark Mode' and click the 'Save' button. 
And there you have it 😁😁😁 You're welcome!
PS I used the Walnut Theme in this tutorial. You can change your theme in accordance, but I don't think it makes any significant difference ~~~


Thanks for this.  I also tried dark mode when the dialogue suggested I try dark mode.  Clicked on it but once in dark mode it doesn’t provide any hints about how to get out of dark mode.  If it said if you want to try dark mode and pointed me to a place where I could toggle dark mode on or off then I would have known about a new feature and also how to turn off a new or suggested feature.  Annoyingly bad suggestion implementation imho.  Have been stuck in dark mode for months - eventually got sick of it and found your post.  Thanks fo r taking time and effort to post this.

yygogo99 wrote:

Hello everyone, I am @yygogo99 and I'm about to tell you a very interesting story. (ok, might not be so interesting though to you 😂 but anyway)

<A lot of text chopped off>

Whew!  Thank you!  You saved my sanity!  I HATE Dark Mode!!


Even easier: click on the settings icon (lower left of any screen), choose "all settings" then  "live chess." Turn off dark mode.


Embrace the darkness. Nothing is better than dark mode. Why punish your eyes with blinding bright light?


thanks  a lot



There is no Dark Mode


I wrote this article two years ago lol

DeliciousGirlfriend wrote:

There is no Dark Mode


It's under Settings > Themes and you can toggle it in the main menu as well.