
I lost 8 points


I was playing on your iPhone app and was playing an unrated game. I then played another game after the first assuming that it was unrated. It was not! I try new things and take risks I would not if the game was rated. Please give me back my 8 points.
Thank you,
Paul Lemay

SirShakespeare wrote:

I was playing on your iPhone app and was playing an unrated game. I then played another game after the first assuming that it was unrated. It was not! I try new things and take risks I would not if the game was rated. Please give me back my 8 points.
Thank you,
Paul Lemay

I don't think you should worry about the rating points. I don't recall any previous examples where they changed a result because somebody fatfingered a key.

However, this may legitimately be a bug. There is another guy who has been reporting this.

You should get together on this and possibly consider reporting it as a bug. Perhaps you could report it at the app store, etc.  

You should also consider editing the title of this thread so that it stands out to people who manage the site. Including the word "bug" could be helpful. 

Just yesterday, the site CEO popped in on a thread about another bug.