
Unrated player and team match


I am an admin of a group, and my question regards a member who has only played unrated online games so far.  He wants to play a team match now (which will be rated).  Is he technically set at 1200 by the system, even though his current online rating shows up on his stats as "Unrated"?

(I am setting up separate matches with different rating ranges, so I want to know what range he would be allowed to sign up for.)


I believe he starts with a rating of 1200, and after the first game his rating will be adjusted from that point.


Thank you both very much for your answers. :)  We will see if he can join an 1100-1200 game, and I'll post here what happens.


Problem solved!  He was able to sign up for a match within the 1150-1250 range, so I am almost postive you were right, bishopson:  He starts with a 1200 rating.  Thanks again to you both for responding. :)