
Is it rubbing it it when one asks you for a rematch to a game you just lost


I think it's highly unethical for the winner to ask for a rematch... it's like saying "Want some more of that???"... it's tantamount to taunting...


i prefer it when i'm asked because having lost already with a stupid blunder, and knowing i'll proberbly make another equally stupid mistake, I don't feel i'm wasting thier time ..  that said, I'd only accept 4 challenges from the same person, more than 4 gives me the impression i'm being used as a patsy to boost thier rating 


I have noticed people (well the childish ones) on this site do get worked up about rematch requests.  Refuse one and they post some childish nonsense about running away on your page.

I almost never offer rematches and only occasionally accept them because I'd rather just keep clicking the New button after a match and play a new opponent each time whether I win or lose.  It's not as if it's real life chess where you have to get up and see if anyone else is free to play.

Winner or loser offering rematch makes no difference to whether I accept or not though!



renumeratedfrog01 wrote:

I think it's highly unethical for the winner to ask for a rematch... it's like saying "Want some more of that???"... it's tantamount to taunting...

To ask for a rematch it's like...


(wait for it)


...Asking for a rematch.

Amazing huhh?!

paulgottlieb wrote:

Chess.Com must have the biggest collection of hypersensitive whiners on the planet! Just look at these threads: "Saying 'gg' is an insult!" "Not saying 'gg' is an insult!" "Queening pawns when you're ahead in material is an insult!" "Not resigning when I think you should is an insult!" "Offering a rematch to the loser is an insult!" "Playing bad openings is an insult!" And the list just goes on and on. These people hunt for grievances the way pigs hunt for truffles, connoisseurs of the imaginary insult!

I wonder if these people sit in front of their televisions thinking "Showing beer commercials when I don't like beer is an insult!" 

Good post, it's ridiculous. If you want a rematch, offer one, if they decline, move on.

paulgottlieb wrote:

Chess.Com must have the biggest collection of hypersensitive whiners on the planet! Just look at these threads: "Saying 'gg' is an insult!" "Not saying 'gg' is an insult!" "Queening pawns when you're ahead in material is an insult!" "Not resigning when I think you should is an insult!" "Offering a rematch to the loser is an insult!" "Playing bad openings is an insult!" And the list just goes on and on.

I had a good laugh reading your post.


paulgottlieb wrote:

These people hunt for grievances the way pigs hunt for truffles, connoisseurs of the imaginary insult!

I wonder if these people sit in front of their televisions thinking "Showing beer commercials when I don't like beer is an insult!"


I recognize myself in the last part. :)


Not at all.....I am requested for a rematch almost evryime I play...I believe this is just being a respectful opponent, possibly trying to learn from me.

I think this sounds closer to the truth...for me anyway : )

paulgottlieb wrote:

And then there are those idiots who actually read those threads and respond--oops, I think I just described myself!

I was honest when I said your post made me laugh (in the genuine way, should I add). Then I admitted I complain sometime for not really important stuff.

paulgottlieb wrote:

Well, the internet makes it awfully easy to publish our opinion on everything under the sun, sometimes before we can stop and think

Is that me or is there a double meaning in your last post again?

paulgottlieb wrote:

Chess.Com must have the biggest collection of hypersensitive whiners on the planet! Just look at these threads: "Saying 'gg' is an insult!" "Not saying 'gg' is an insult!" "Queening pawns when you're ahead in material is an insult!" "Not resigning when I think you should is an insult!" "Offering a rematch to the loser is an insult!" "Playing bad openings is an insult!" And the list just goes on and on. These people hunt for grievances the way pigs hunt for truffles, connoisseurs of the imaginary insult!

I wonder if these people sit in front of their televisions thinking "Showing beer commercials when I don't like beer is an insult!" 

nice reply, and a good reply too, and funny! Sadly 97.86% true :)


Hi Anna!

paulgottlieb wrote:

No double meaning! Sometimes, right after i've fired off a quick post, I ask myself: "why did I even have an opinion about that?"

Ok, got it.