
Reporting players


I'm sure that most players on have come across the irritation of playing someone who's reaction to losing a game is to 'disconnect' rather than resign, thereby forcing his opponent to wait the 3 mins until the game is timed out. But recently there seems to be a trend of these people logging back into the game prior to the 3 min timeout, so as to force their opponent to wait the remainder of the game to win.

When this happens a message does pop up from saying that this player may have violated the fair play rules and his account may have been restricted. My question is, do these people ever actually have their accounts disabled? And would it not be better to have a report button? Then players who received a large number of reports can be kicked off.

Why assuming bad intentions? Nobody gains anything by "forcing their opponent to wait". Getting disconnected from the internet does happen. I received a "FU" for getting disconnected, and was told to not play here at all. THAT is more than irritating.

Well said Flower, this site is full of sanctimonious bastards bumping their gums about " runners."

Matecheck1765 wrote:

Do these people ever actually have their accounts disabled? And would it not be better to have a report button? Then players who received a large number of reports can be kicked off.

Also, a person with a large number of disconnects is more likely to be matched with other people with a large number of disconnects - I'm not sure what the threshhold is, but I've definitely seen one mentioned in the forums.


The problem with a report button is somebody would invite you to their group, and then report you if you didn't join.  I got blocked by somebody because I dsidn't want to join their group.


Wow - I'm sorry I posted now...


No reason to feel bad!

Well being quite new to this site I thought this would be quite a good point of discussion. It clearly is an issue otherwise wouldn't have a procedure already in place to deal with it, I was just suggesting a way this might be improved. Not sure that warrants being called a sanctimonious bastard, but there you go

Nobody called you a name...