
Only good move for white

guruprasad88 wrote:

So after g5-g6, u intend to push the pass pawn pair to get queen. But bfore that black pushes g pawn and checkmates the king my friend with queen and bishop.

Which line does this comment refer to?


i meant the only possible playing lines for white.

guruprasad88 wrote:

i meant the only possible playing lines for white.

I don't understand that.

White has three playable lines:

1. Rxb7+, forcing mate. Clearly the best move, but certainly not the only move to avoid loss (which is why I originally commented).

1. Rxc8+ Rxc8 2. Qxc8+ Kxc8 3. Rc1+ Kb8 4. Nd7+ Ka7 5. Rc8 (5. g3 may also be playable) g3 6. Ra8+ Kxa8 7. N5b6+ forcing perpetual check.

1. Rc8+ Rxc8 2. Nxg6 (my latest suggestion)

Now 2...Rxc2 3. Nxh4 leaves White a piece up in an endgame.

Moves like 2...Qh5 are answered by 3. Qe4. White is still a piece up. What does Black do next?


Hi Caveatcanis,

Ya u r right. Rc8+ is the best move ,  but in the game i played Rc7 and lost( If u could see move 29 in the game).

But the game might be interesting if black retains bishop and moves king as to who mates first.


Genius excelled


Genius excelled RxC7


Rxb7+ but king rejects to take rook again rook a7+