
Winning entry: Oct0ber '12 Chess Composing Contest


It is my great pride and pleasure to share to everyone my winning entry to Adriandmen's Chess Composing Contest for October 2012.

As I've said in one of my threads, composing zugzwang puzzle is very difficult as the key contains no threat.

In this puzzle, the key for me is excellent (set mate: ....c3 1. Rd3#). The tries also are very strong: 1. Rd5! threatening mate by 2. Nxc4 and 1. Rf5! threatening 2. Ng4# is hard to meet.(But both fails to 1...Qc8!! and 1...Qg8!! respectively).

Again, thanks for everyone for commending my puzzle. I'ts my honor to win my first unofficial trophy as a chess problem composer.

And now, here again is the winning entry with seven main variations!

                       White Mates in 2


congratulations Asorski

anupralhad wrote:

congratulations Asorski

Thanks anupralhad.