
šŸ‘€šŸ§ Given the chance to change the world I would start by....


...getting rid of money..

Thatā€™s right,Ā  Ā  money

Just think how wonderful it would be, no one ever was without a thing because the abundance from such change !

No child leaping into some dumpster because heā€™s hungry and hoping to find something that is good enough to digest, nor any individual ever again needing to !

There would be no need of any barter system to accommodate Life as it was known with such crap simply because everyone would work for each other, having civilization recognize the True FAMILY that we were all intended to see ourselves AS. Not some control mongering yoyo corrupt punks wishing to own everything and have everyone at their own wim so they can have those they deemed fit to put on their leash do their desires and create their agendaā€™d NWO crap! Removing any stupidity such as fema camps or depopulation, especially when Alaska is so darn large you can put side by side 2,000 sq ft homes our entire population today with 350 THOUSAND SQ MLS left of the land Alaska alone.

Money is absolutely pathetic, the chaos itā€™s caused. Think about that. Without itā€™s shackles, where would there have been such the stupidity of racism? Of war? Of homelessness? Of feeling without anything? Of need of transportation as we know it today, because the more and more we developed itā€™s POWER, BEING WITHOUT SUCH THAT CAPTIVITY, we would drastically alter our understanding and advance far beyond what we find natural, yet weā€™re as ā€˜caveman ignoramousnessā€™ that keeps us from our true potential as a civilization of intelligence.

Lol whoā€™s with me?

Seriously think when you were a youngā€™n and your Mom called you home because dinner was on the table. Hopefully you never heard her have to say to you ā€œTonight is $8 or maybe $10.ā€, now, did you... Of course not, or at least I certainly hope that be not the case! Sure.. your Dad or Mom had to work for it to have the ability to place such on that table, yet thatā€™s what Iā€™m getting at. They, because they LOVE you, unconditionally fed and took care of you, not asking you to take care of them, nor to work for your own while in the home because you were being brought up by their standards.

As time went on, from such altercation that I was able to bring, more and more things would drastically change.. By that I mean only in good aspects of what is presently known OF Life. We would advance our civilization intensely, massively, and the HAPPINESS it would bring is immeasurable, yo. Our way of structuring things even would advance, everything, all from eliminating what has only shackled us to not see what Iā€™m saying, the stupidity of money.

This would be one thing I would do given the chance to change the world. ā€œ,


A friendly note: Please when posting be respectful so youā€™ll be able to respond again to othersā€™ replies, thank you. šŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘


There is nothing wrong with money.Ā  Its the love of money that is the problem.



now wait a minute... Ā Think of the statement ā€œthe love of moneyā€ is the root of all evil, fella.


Given the chance to remove such root is EXACTLY what Iā€™m addressing. Then THERE ONLY WOULD be love, and such other removed.


Truly destroying capitalism and breaking economics would break the world. There would be no products, no TV, no industry or power because without money people lack incentive. Getting something done has two parts: Motivation and Ability. If there is a high level of ability it takes very little motivation, and vice versa if it is low ability it takes high motivation. Truly, we would never have any science because the amount of time it takes to learn all of these things would be meaningless. We would go back to the dark ages, and eventually lead into the clans warring with each other and bashing everyone with rocks. Is that what you want? Money is the BACKBONE of society. People do everything for money, and everything is done. We live in a society that while, there are people who are hungry diving into dumpsters, EVERYONE would go hungry if we had no money. Given the majority of land mass is now concrete, and wildlife would not support a population of billions, 99% of people would starve. Is that what you want too?


Milt Friedman said it best:

  1. You spend your own money on yourself.
  2. You spend your own money on someone else.
  3. You spend someone else's money on yourself.
  4. You spend someone else's money on someone else.

Its a 2:39 clip, so i know a lot of you will not be able to pay attention that long, but try.Ā 

woollensock wrote:
Plant šŸŒ± more catnip, this would make everyone happy, thus improving their lives, and making the world šŸŒ a better place to live in . āœŒļøšŸ˜ŗ


By catnip, youā€™re not meaning rolled up in some zigzag wrap that you toke on, correct? I am not for any false highs, and seriously believe, were what I said changed so much would be altered and mankind itself would find more meaning to the actuality of Life that has nothing to do with intoxication of any sort nor intaking something causing such that catnip would be doing, as a chimney releases smoke. Iā€™m not for puff puff give nonsense, nor anything to alter yourself by some intake of itā€™s shackles that so many have experienced and wish to have removed from their lives, anything of such nonsense that never has been needed throughout history and has caused far too much harm.

JAurelius wrote:

Truly destroying capitalism and breaking economics would break the world. There would be no products, no TV, no industry or power because without money people lack incentive. Getting something done has two parts: Motivation and Ability. If there is a high level of ability it takes very little motivation, and vice versa if it is low ability it takes high motivation. Truly, we would never have any science because the amount of time it takes to learn all of these things would be meaningless. We would go back to the dark ages, and eventually lead into the clans warring with each other and bashing everyone with rocks. Is that what you want? Money is the BACKBONE of society. People do everything for money, and everything is done. We live in a society that while, there are people who are hungry diving into dumpsters, EVERYONE would go hungry if we had no money. Given the majority of land mass is now concrete, and wildlife would not support a population of billions, 99% of people would starve. Is that what you want too?

I ask that you reread the part describing when Mom called you home for dinner and her unconditional love.


ā€¦ getting rid of the Humans.

Jean-Paul Sartre said "Hell is other people."

1-d41_0 wrote:

without money they will be no motiveĀ 

Listen... Were I Bill Gates, with all his assets, I would totally give so much of what I had to many throughout this world, where villages are without proper claimed nutrition, and less fortunate just hoping they find something to eat that day, any day, work out a proper set up maybe by first making sure as many as possible properly clothed wherever their place of stay may be, and create shelter homes far more than whatā€™s presently, enough hopefully to remove all off the streets. What Iā€™m getting at is by me so doing would have others recognize by seeing the good I created from such and follow suit, those who had the assets able to do and had such the heart recognizing the dire need of such needed.


I once gambled away $48,000 in 18 months.Ā  Gambling problem?Ā  You betcha.Ā 

Thank God im not the person i used to be.Ā  I live in The Peoples Republic of California.Ā  So im poor, but i am happy.

Not if we destroy it first šŸ‘Œ
woollensock wrote:
Itā€™s the meek and mild , and the poor that shall inherit the world.

...inherit the Earth.

Why do you think this is declared in the Scriptures? It is because what's claimed to be rich is by far more poorer than one leaping into a dumpster for something to eat.

That's precisely what I'm getting at. Such removal would show such RICHNESS. My friend's status says it all... "True SUCCESS is Ā E V E R Y O N E Ā Successful." Success has nothing to do with what you have or are able to buy, rather what you recognize IS Success to make you successful.

woollensock wrote:
Just give me your bank account details, and I can make your life a whole lot better , by removing the evil influence your money has over you ! ....... Iā€™m willing to do this free of charge, and by doing this youā€™ll be improving my life , as well as your own .



"Money is absolutely pathetic, the chaos itā€™s caused. Think about that. Without itā€™s shackles, where would there have been such the stupidity of racism? Of war? Of homelessness? Of feeling without anything? Of need of transportation as we know it today, because the more and more we developed itā€™s POWER, BEING WITHOUT SUCH THAT CAPTIVITY, we would drastically alter our understanding and advance far beyond what we find natural, yet weā€™re as ā€˜caveman ignoramousnessā€™ that keeps us from our true potential as a civilization of intelligence."


lol how am I incorrect?

You tell me, anyone of you, the good it has done when thereā€™s multitudes of multitudes of homelessness, people without and hoping someone loving enough to share some scrap left of their meal as leftovers. You tell me how itā€™s good that mankind was so stupid to have someone just different their color be their slave because you CLAIMED worthy a servant to do for you, yet treat them as they not decent or less than yourself when it would be SIMPLY the other way around by having such pathetic choice of viewpoint. You tell me that some village whoā€™s malnutrition is benefited being without the stupidity $ is, CONSIDERING had it never been they never wouldā€™ve had malnutrition.

I am being totally serious.

TheBestBeer_Root wrote:
JAurelius wrote:

Truly destroying capitalism and breaking economics would break the world. There would be no products, no TV, no industry or power because without money people lack incentive. Getting something done has two parts: Motivation and Ability. If there is a high level of ability it takes very little motivation, and vice versa if it is low ability it takes high motivation. Truly, we would never have any science because the amount of time it takes to learn all of these things would be meaningless. We would go back to the dark ages, and eventually lead into the clans warring with each other and bashing everyone with rocks. Is that what you want? Money is the BACKBONE of society. People do everything for money, and everything is done. We live in a society that while, there are people who are hungry diving into dumpsters, EVERYONE would go hungry if we had no money. Given the majority of land mass is now concrete, and wildlife would not support a population of billions, 99% of people would starve. Is that what you want too?

I ask that you reread the part describing when Mom called you home for dinner and her unconditional love.

If you seriously think without money everyone will become unconditionally loving, that's not true at all. It's human nature to be terrible people. That's just how we default.


That perception is only based because you being so shackled to exactly what I wish removed from your perception, your understanding, your acceptance, your belief standards.


I am saying had there never been itā€™s development the nature of civilization in whole would drastically change and that advancement so awesome easily able to remove such a conception as your statement regarding human nature being terrible.


I would take communism and make a few changes and make it a less extreme


screw communism altogether lol

I would remove every single domesticated cat in the world