
How many people Think that Life is just a Total Waste of Time in this Endless Universe ?


There is a thread on the go here now asking if Chess is just a total waste of time. However one might ask if life on this tiny little planet is of any importance in relation to an endless Universe ? 


Oh, I don't know... what's the point... who cares.

'Waste of time' is somewhat of an oxymoron it seems

Thanks for the posts.   ---   I must admit that I started this thread sort of tongue-in-cheek in answer to the thread that I mentioned in my first post, however one might well be tempted to ask: what is truly a waste of time ?  


You could say that life and everything within it is a waste of time because of the infinite size and inevitable fate of the universe, but by that definition nothing could logically have meaning, so it's not a particularly useful angle to approach things from.


Thanks for the new posts.   ---   One thing that often comes up is the statement that if one is not involved in trying to make more money then one is just wasting time ( ie: as in one is not getting ahead ).

kaynight wrote:

I would like to display apathy on this thread, but I can't be bothered.

   ---   Yes a very good point Kaynight. If you took a lot of time to write a detailed reply here then you would of course be " Wasting Time ! "

BlargDragon wrote:

You could say that life and everything within it is a waste of time because of the infinite size and inevitable fate of the universe, but by that definition nothing could logically have meaning, so it's not a particularly useful angle to approach things from.

    ---   Interesting point BlargDragon. Yes there are so many activities that one could try to become good at, for example one might be a World Champion Hog-caller ( but is that also a waste of time, even if one wins the WC Title ? ).

badenwurtca wrote:

Thanks for the new posts.   ---   One thing that often comes up is the statement that if one is not involved in trying to make more money then one is just wasting time ( ie: as in one is not getting ahead ).

A lot of people seem to think that way, and it's an extremely limited worldview. What's the money for? At the very least, pursuit of that would be a more valid statement of purpose, with acquisition of money being a potential part.

BlargDragon wrote:
badenwurtca wrote:

Thanks for the new posts.   ---   One thing that often comes up is the statement that if one is not involved in trying to make more money then one is just wasting time ( ie: as in one is not getting ahead ).

A lot of people seem to think that way, and it's an extremely limited worldview. What's the money for? At the very least, pursuit of that would be a more valid statement of purpose, with acquisition of money being a potential part.

   ---   Yes my point there was of course that as humans we want to be a success at something ( or even at anything ! ). Singing, dancing, high-jumping, selling real-estate or whatever,  


This site deals with Chess and one might wonder how many a youngster has dreamed of becoming World Champ of this mind game. At the same time many of us have played Monopoly games, a nice activity for family and friends. However some people take this fun game and want to be the best in the world ( or with doing Yo-Yo tricks or playing air-guitar etc etc ).   

badenwurtca wrote:
BlargDragon wrote:
badenwurtca wrote:

Thanks for the new posts.   ---   One thing that often comes up is the statement that if one is not involved in trying to make more money then one is just wasting time ( ie: as in one is not getting ahead ).

A lot of people seem to think that way, and it's an extremely limited worldview. What's the money for? At the very least, pursuit of that would be a more valid statement of purpose, with acquisition of money being a potential part.

   ---   Yes my point there was of course that as humans we want to be a success at something ( or even at anything ! ). Singing, dancing, high-jumping, selling real-estate or whatever,  

Agreed, but my point is that there are ways of thinking about and approaching those goals that are more or less constructive--either from a personal or universal perspective.


For those of us that are getting a bit older we may be tempted to use the term " Killing Time " in place of " Wasting Time " ( the term " Killing Time " seems to be fading away in recent years ).


Thanks for the post BlargDragon.   ---   In my case I'm a fan of history so let's take any example from centuries ago: the Roman Empire. That Empire covered all of the known world ( ie: what they knew of in those days ) joined together by a network of modern roads and protected by their armed forces, including their navy. Today it is hard to imagine the " Glory of Rome " at the height of it's power. However in time the Empire collapsed and Western Europe went into the " Dark Ages ". So was that whole age of the Romans a waste of time ? 


Up to a certain point I would say that the more I drink the funnier it gets and after that it's downhill.

badenwurtca wrote:
BlargDragon wrote:

You could say that life and everything within it is a waste of time because of the infinite size and inevitable fate of the universe, but by that definition nothing could logically have meaning, so it's not a particularly useful angle to approach things from.

    ---   Interesting point BlargDragon. Yes there are so many activities that one could try to become good at, for example one might be a World Champion Hog-caller ( but is that also a waste of time, even if one wins the WC Title ? ).


might as well say a grain of sand is a waste of space on a beach or an oxygen molecule is a waste of air. oooooh a piccie!


those who live for Heavenly Father need to justify unjust suffering...those who believe in nothing must justify the existence of everything else...


Life could be a waste of time, but then why would Karma exist?


Thanks for all of the new posts.