
Je suis Charlie


Je suis Charlie.


       Sharon Carter;  Don't feel to bad for your friends. The world has nothing against decent Muslims. We're only at war with "radical extremeism". I use to think that all Muslims were terrorist, but last month the Prime Minister of Australia educated me. During the hostage stand-off at the Cafe. The're (terrorist) are using religion as an excuse for their own deficientcies. Germany did the same thing with Jews.Frown


Thank you RJC. 

Je suis Charlie.


Wow. I was really hoping this thread would escape such stupidity. But not even 50 posts in and ignorance has raised its ugly head.


Never thought I would say this kleelof but I agree with you!Surprised

Babytigrrr wrote:

If your religion is worth killing for... start with yourself!


kayak21 wrote:
Babytigrrr wrote:

If your religion is worth killing for... start with yourself!


The wisest words of this century!


where are they getting all the top guns from and who is funding them.


This topic is meant to show support for the victims and for our precious liberties.  The terrorist murders are reminder that freedoms come at a cost and we must not take them for granted.

There will always be a religious fanatic, or criminal, or power-hungry despot, or conniving politician, who will want to deprive you of your fundamental human right of self-determination.

Society exists to protect human rights.


Of course it's unknown who did this or what their motivation was, but it must be the "extremist muslims", right? It must have been because of those cartoons with Muhammed, right? If jews did it then there must be some other motivation besides their religion. Same with christians, it can't be because of their religion. No, it was an attack on free speech and those crazy muslims did it, right? 

Maybe ISIS did it? They are supported by the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Oh wait! ISIS isn't supported by the U.S. and Israel are they? No no no. This attack couldn't possibly be done for political reasons, could it? I mean Operation Gladio ended back in the 1980s, didn't it?


I'm just listening to all this.

.... being the most important person on this site...

.... I will comment later!

trysts wrote:

Of course it's unknown who did this or what their motivation was, but it must be the "extremist muslims", right? It must have been because of those cartoons with Muhammed, right? If jews did it then there must be some other motivation besides their religion. Same with christians, it can't be because of their religion. No, it was an attack on free speech and those crazy muslims did it, right? 

Maybe ISIS did it? They are supported by the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Oh wait! ISIS isn't supported by the U.S. and Israel are they? No no no. This attack couldn't possibly be done for political reasons, could it? I mean Operation Gladio ended back in the 1980s, didn't it?

Video tape captured the assailants shouting "Allahu akbar" and (in French) "We have avenged the Prophet Mohammed."  That speaks to motivation and ideology.

The victims (staff of Charlie Hebdo) had previously been attacked by Muslims, who bombed their former publication offices.  That addresses a past history of terroristic actions.

I certainly hope the terrorists were extremists.  If they weren't, France is going to become a bloodbath.


Kasparov on his Facebook account: 

"Horrific terrorist murders in Paris today. The free world's enemies are best defined by their targets: free speech, education, equality. The goal of terrorists is not just to kill those who oppose them, but to frighten us into becoming like them: Closed, bigoted, barbaric. But we do not lose to terrorists & dictators by dying. We lose by refusing to fight, to die or to kill, for the values they are trying to destroy. This isn't support for "understanding" jihadists, by the way. Their actions speak clearly! Extremists are not deterred or eliminated by tolerance, only encouraged. Good luck showing your tolerance and understanding for a crocodile's appetite when your leg is already halfway down its throat.

And please do not fall into the trap of saying the French cartoonists "provoked" the terrorists or in any way deserved to be murdered. Everything "provokes" someone, somewhere. Do we let that define what we can and cannot say, write, and do? No. Free speech is or it is not.

Of course the Putin's army of propaganda trolls are out in force supporting the Charlie Hebdo attackers. Officially, the Kremlin must publicly condemn Paris terror, but it actively supports the same agenda of censorship & hatred of free society, including violence. ISIS, Al Qaeda, and dictators all over the world share a common enemy defined by values. They all know that if democracy and individual rights for all triumph, their days are over."


<Babytigerrrr> (post #42) +12,000

Je suis Charlie


Here's my Facebook post from today:


Muslims are ok. Islam isn’t.

Ban Islam from tomorrow in every European country.

No mosques, no prayers, no Moazins;

No rallies, no demonstrations, no protests;

No movements, no Islamic religious education (education in other religions is ok).

Legislate against Islam. No Islam in government, politics or social discourse - on the Federal, national or municipal level. If Egypt could do it, Europe MUST do it. Today.

Allow Islam in homes – the condition being that it stays quiet and isn’t heard outside in the street.

Deport by the hundreds of thousands every offender.

Send them back to Africa.

If they are already British/Belgian/French/Spanish/Italian citizens - let them choose - Britain/Belgium/France - or Islam.

Islam means Africa. Britain, Belgium and France aren't Muslim and won't accept Islam - ever.

Keep the Muslims who stay quiet and produce; those who help build tomorrow’s society. Recognize the danger.

Islam is a menace to the European way of life - to freedom, to free thinking, to Democracy. Statistically, Islamic countries are also low on productivity. More about that, further on. At this point, I will only comment that there must be a relation between freedom and free thinking, and productivity; Between Democracy and productivity; Between democracy and survival at a higher level - richer, safer, calmer.

By survey, Muslims don't want democracy. But democracy will not stay democracy unless democracy can defend democracy from elements which are against democracy.

So defend. It's time.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Islam is an intriguing social experiment.

The experiment should be kept and confined to the African continent. Europe sees Islam as a failed experiment.

Muslims were given freedoms and civil rights in Europe - more than they have in their own countries, it goes without saying.

These rights and privileges are largely abused - by abuse of the welfare system, by the refusal to integrate, and by the refusal to accept European values. The rights are used against the system. They are used to upset the system.

Europe used to be a productive, rich continent. Europe should make sure that it stays that way.

The experiment is over, as far as Europe is concerned. Twelve murdered caricaturists prove it. Further proof exists aplenty, and can be observed left and right in every European capital.

Keep the experiment strictly to Africa.

And how does Islam operate in Africa? No civil rights, no freedom, no liberty to express, to gather, to voice a different opinion. Mass oppression and slaughter. People hanging from cranes in central squares. Other people watching them, scared - tomorrow they may be the one hanging.

Will we import this to Europe in 2015? How about 2020? Or 2030?

Islam in Africa. no contradicting views, intolerance of other faiths, murder and mayham.

Islam in Africa is financed by African gas and oil.

The prices of gas and oil are dropping at a steep curve. They will drop more. The US is now allowing itself (as of January 1st, 2015) to export parts of its huge oil production (which is eight times that of Saudi Arabia). Gas and oil will be cheap very soon.

Islamic countries don’t produce. They have low GDPs. They survive only on the high prices of oil.

Made rich by oil, they can then bribe and buy politicians, groups, institutions and events in the West – such as Tony Blair (who was the personal consultant of Libya's Gaddafi for huge payouts), and Mondial 2022 (which Qatar bought and will host - as it bribed a high FIFA official with $2M).

Now these Islamic countries will have no money.

No money for bribes, no money for guns and ammunition. No money to "finance the Islamic revolution anywhere".

The "big Islamic revolution" will not happen when nobody will be able to pay for the guns, the cannons, the aircraft.

Bloody revolutions cost huge amounts of money.

Will the African Islamic countries keep teaching Islam, war and strife? Or will they wake up and start producing on an emergency basis, something of value, something that other people will want and buy, something that the non-African will pay for and make the African finally rich?

But this would mean neglect of the Islamic road.

The human race can’t afford more strife, hate and war.

It’s a tiny planet. It’s getting overpopulated. Fast. One full billion people more only since year 2000!

Will Africa ditch Islam in favor of survival?

Be that as it may – this is THEIR problem. Keep it out of Europe.

Accept as many immigrants as you wish. I'm all for humanitarianism.

Accept the immigrants. Then tell them that they should leave their religion (where it is Islam) at home, in Africa.

Islam should only be allowed in Africa. It's an intriguing social experiment.

No wonder so many people want to run away from Africa. But they should also leave the experiment behind.

No mosques, no prayers;

No rallies, no demonstrations.

Muslims are ok. Islam isn’t.

Aetheldred wrote:

Kasparov on his Facebook account: 

"Horrific terrorist murders in Paris today. The free world's enemies are best defined by their targets: free speech, education, equality. The goal of terrorists is not just to kill those who oppose them, but to frighten us into becoming like them: Closed, bigoted, barbaric. But we do not lose to terrorists & dictators by dying. We lose by refusing to fight, to die or to kill, for the values they are trying to destroy. This isn't support for "understanding" jihadists, by the way. Their actions speak clearly! Extremists are not deterred or eliminated by tolerance, only encouraged. Good luck showing your tolerance and understanding for a crocodile's appetite when your leg is already halfway down its throat.

And please do not fall into the trap of saying the French cartoonists "provoked" the terrorists or in any way deserved to be murdered. Everything "provokes" someone, somewhere. Do we let that define what we can and cannot say, write, and do? No. Free speech is or it is not.

Of course the Putin's army of propaganda trolls are out in force supporting the Charlie Hebdo attackers. Officially, the Kremlin must publicly condemn Paris terror, but it actively supports the same agenda of censorship & hatred of free society, including violence. ISIS, Al Qaeda, and dictators all over the world share a common enemy defined by values. They all know that if democracy and individual rights for all triumph, their days are over."

Amazing!!! ... good post Athedred... I was just reading that on FB!


Charlie... born today. Just saw in the news and I couldn't help thinking: they would smile.


So nice.


Thanks for posting that red-lady, new life, new hope.


<Red-lady> An excellent post!!!


They wanted to change the world, and they did...

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