
Movie reviews


yes trysts, "Road to Perdition" the movie, was based on a graphic novel written by Max Allan Collens of DC Comics. In fact, there are many films based on comics which one would be surprised about.


I haven't had a TV for years. Last one I had, I picked it up and threw it on the ground.

But, yes, I've been surprised. For instance, I didn't know that V for Vendetta or Sin City, were based upon comics when I saw them. 


ok trysts, please explain your "no TV" life...I really could not survive without the do you do it...and more importantly why? I can't imagine a movie lover without a

jesterville wrote:

ok trysts, please explain your "no TV" life...I really could not survive without the do you do it...and more importantly why? I can't imagine a movie lover without a

I just couldn't take it any longer. Dumb, mind-numbing shows, transparent propaganda, and endless commercials. It was an easy decision.  


The internet also exists.


We don't have cable. We have a tv, but it has a computer hooked up to it instead of cable. At $10 a month, hulu is a lot less expensive than cable.


Englund Gambit Complex (Englund Gambit) chess trap


When we visited last month, they were playing this as part of an art exhibit at the Chess Hall of Fame. I can't find the full movie, so this is the trailer.


Thanks, Lisa!

LisaV wrote:

No prob.  How the hell you been!!?

Wonderful, Lisa! How are you?Smile


Trysts, this is one of the best threads I have read...totally entertaining as well as informative...

trysts wrote:

I haven't had a TV for years. Last one I had, I picked it up and threw it on the ground.

But, yes, I've been surprised. For instance, I didn't know that V for Vendetta or Sin City, were based upon comics when I saw them. 

Did you actually go to all of the trouble of carrying it out the door or did you just chuck it out the window?


@ jesterville: I do enjoy reading this thread as wellSmile

@ Lisa: I'm relieved to see you too! Rehab sounds like a reality TV ShowLaughing

@bigpoison: I picked up the TV, walked outside, and dropped it on the sidewalk.Laughing 


I love this thread

I miss Rehab

I found on the sidewalk this tv set


AnnaZC wrote:

I love this thread

I miss Rehab

I found on the sidewalk this tv set




We went to see Roger Waters in concert last night performing The Wall. Isaac is obsessed with Pink Floyd. We watched The Wall (1982) the night before the concert.

When someone close to you is really into a movie, it is hard to judge it objectively. I find it to be a compelling story, especially the way Pink reacts to the loss of his father. There are a few parts I don't quite get, though.

I found the concert pretty compelling, too. Early on, photos of people killed in war (soldiers, civilians, activists) started being displayed along with a few facts such as DOB, date the person died, where they were from, where they died, etc. I felt the concert was a much stronger statement about the horrors of war than the movie was.


Very interesting. I don't know much about Pink FloydEmbarassed


Here's a song from The Wall:

And here is the movie in case you feel like watching it:


Thanks for the movie link, corrijean!


You're welcome. Laughing

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