
MY Old 15 Year Knee Surgery Replacement! . .



September 21, 2010

Last Tuesday and had my full right knee removed and replaced with a titanium one. I didn’t expect it to be a breeze and I was right, it was an ordeal for me.

To get ready I stopped taking all my meds that I used to take, so nothing would conflict with any new drugs I would be getting.

I took a shower the night before and another the morning before. It was an 8:30 a.m. appointment but they never said what time the operation would be nor would they say when I would be released. I had requested to be released on Saturday.

I told the assist theologists that didn’t want them to give me morphine as it only made me high, I always feel the pain. Apparently, I must have told the wrong person because they gave me morphine.

The nurse said, “If you want some more morphine for your pain just press this button and automatically will get the proper doze of it. If you press it four times you will get a doze every ten minutes until you get four dozes."

After I was prepped for surgery, got an epidural I was taken to the surgery room. After a little while, all I remember was black.

I don’t remember when I woke up nor if I was given something to eat. I had some close family members visiting me.

I remember was the a physical therapist came, made me get out of bed, stand and sit on the commode next to my bed. Stand again and take several steps to a wheel chair. She took me to a room and had me walk up and down three stairs. All this took a long time since every step was painful.

That ordeal happened the next day also. I read it was supposed to be twice a day. That was it, as far as getting better.

I was released on Friday against my wishes. I felt I was not ready. They nurse yelled at me, "There was no medical reason for you to stay."

"Well then just kick me out." I said.

The discharge process started at 10 am. I was going out the door at 3:30 pm.

"God take this flask from my lips, as I don't need this."

When I got home, I had a 105 fever. I was told to go to the Kaiser Emergency room. I arrived at 5 p.m. and released at 10 p.m.  I returned home and went to bed.

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Then Saturday afternoon 5 pm, I was back at the emergency because I could not breathe. I had the hiccups because of drugs they had me take. If I got three hiccups in a row It would cause my air intake to stop. I had to pound on my chest to release and allow me to breathe.

The female doctor that was trying to eliminate the hiccups said to me, "This is not medical science, I am just throwing things at it and hope they work."

After many tries, one new method that another surgeon came up with, stopped them. I was released at 9:05 pm. While I was going out  the door to get to my car the hiccups came back. I went back in. They did the method again and gave me a shot for hiccups, gave me some type of pill and released me again.

So now, I am somewhat stable at home and progressing slowly. I have a physical therapist that comes twice a week and a nurse to take the blood. I just hope this end up in great success.

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The worst part of the recovery was when I had to make a mad dash to the bathroom. I was really a very slow movement, since I was in pain and the new leg would not take the steps. During the time it took to get to the bathroom, I thought I would pee on my self. Then if I found the toilet seat closed it would take two more second to raise the lid so I could sit down. Phewww.

All it was about twenty steps pushing a walker.

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During the second week right ankle swelled up and I could not do any exercise or even hardly walk with the walker. That slowed down my healing progress.

The third week my ankle got better but it swelled up and pained again the fourth week. The home physical therapist had to increase the length of my visits another week.

During the five weeks a nurse would come and take some blood and rush it to a lab. The lab would call me and tell me how many pills to take for the next three or four days. It was because they were thinning my blood.

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Finally I was able to come home. It is wonderful when another family member is able to care for you for five weeks.

When I came home I found that my son had rearranged my bed room and home.

He put a rail in the shower, a rail next to the steps in front of my home. A rail in front of the toilet to help getting up.

So for the next four week I had Meals on Wheels deliver to me.

If my left knee needs replacing I don't think I will have it done. I wore out my knees bowling and playing soccer.

How are your knees?





  Take it easy Denver. We want you well and rested. We're keeping your spot warm for you. Smile 


good luck denver hope your feeling better


       The Black Knights knees are just fine.

If my left knee needs replacing I don't think I will have it done. I wore out my knees bowling and playing soccer.

How are your knees?

 But you're so young -- just in your early seventies.  I think it's strange that you'd have knee problems from normal activity (usually we associate knee problems with extreme stress such as obesity).

Anyway, I gather you managed without needing to rent a bedside commode but that might make things easier for you if there's a next time.

Your memory of this will likely fade in intensity.  If and when your other knee acts up and needs surgery, I suspect the pain will drive you to have it done, too.



I am not heavy. I wore out my knees from playing soccer for 38 years and coaching it year round.

I also am a bowler and I have bowled since 1958 that's 53 years.

I wouldn't change what I did for anything.

I will not have the other one done. Now the knees last 30 years as apposed to the 15 years my right knee is now.

Bye for now



February 11, 2024 . . .

This September my 2010 knee will be 14 years old . . .

It was supposed to last 15 years but I'm will still be alive walking and bowling in three leagues every week and matches several times a month on the weekends . . .

Too bad that after they replaced my knee they came out with a 30 year knee . . .

Kaiser has not looked or tested my knee to see how it's doing. Maybe because I haven't had any problem with it . . .

Amén hermano
Titanium kneecaps seem like both a good thing and a bad thing at the same time.
Hi Rich 👋……you are such amazing person, and I hope your knee continues to be trouble free, for many years to come !
Woollensck3 wrote:
Hi Rich 👋……you are such amazing person, and I hope your knee continues to be trouble free, for many years to come !

My knee is not bad. I didn't have my other knee replaced even though it had problems.

Instead I got a stationary bike and everyday I peddled away 1500 rotation until my left knee cap was smooth internally and I stopped having pain. . .

The doctors didn't tell me to do that they wanted to replace the knee .

I was going to 24 hour gym to peddle away but medicare stopped paying for it.