
Odds & Ends ( etc )


Good point Andy Clifton, mind you I do not believe that we are dealing with a Mensa candidate there  lol. And we have a new person to add to our list as well. A lady in Colorado had to take a can of gas home with her ( doing the lawn ? ) and decided to secure the gas container in the baby car-seat in the back. Where was the young child you ask ? Sitting unsecured in the back seat beside the gas-can of course ! 


Sometimes one comes across items in the news that do not make any sense at all. The Summer Olympics are to start soon in London and now the possibily of a Transit strike has come up over there. Lots of money has been spent to get these Games going and there might not be any public transportation . Am I the only one that this situation makes no sense to ? 


Speaking of news I saw a cute item the other day. It seems that there is a mammoth 40 pound Garfield look-alike cat that is up for adoption, so anyone that wants a big cat to love they are in luck. By coincidence some neighbours here also have a very large older cat. They also have a cute little dog that is smaller than the cat ( role reversal for the poor dog  lol ).


Bit of a sad item from the world of Horse racing. It was reported a couple of days ago that the Canadian bred horse " I'll Have Another " has been retired due to injury. Therefore it was not possible to have a Triple Crown winner this year ( I believe that 1978 was the last that time the Triple Crown was won ? ).


When we are young we will often fantasize about jobs that we might like to do when we become adults. Astronauts are high on the list as are Firefighters, Doctors, Ship Captains, Railway Engineers, Airline Pilots, etc etc. However there are also professions that one should steer clear of, as I was recently reminded of by an item in the news. Nik Wallenda recently completed his high-wire walk at Niagra Falls and next wants to do the same thing at the Grand Canyon. As to what would make a relatively sane person go onto the high-wire without any nets is beyond me. However stay tuned as I imagine that we will hear more about this fellow sooner or later.  


Personally, I never considered a career on the high wire. I think your advice to our younger users to avoid this career choice constitutes sound advice. Some years ago on vacation in Florida, I encountered a gentleman, whose job it was to rent beach chairs and pass out towels to the hotel guests. He appeared to be well tanned (naturally), healthy and stress free. He became my idol. He definitely found a better way to make a living than I did. (And I'll bet he didn't have to repay student loans.) I tell all my colleagues at work that this is my dream job. 


Thanks for the post 1Pawndown, I think you are right about that guy in Florida, low stress and warm Weather sound good to me. Some people up here say that one should enjoy all four Seasons but when I've got my little snowblower out in the Winter I get to thinking that a place like Florida might be more fun.


Well I've just been reading a thread here that has to do with Cell-Phones and Chickens ( who knew that Hens were on the phone while laying eggs ? ). Oddly enough the subject of food also came up in that other thread as well. This brought to mind a theory that I first heard some years ago that if everyone on this planet was a Vegetarian there would enough Food for all of the people on our Earth. If I remember the theory correctly it seems that if one were to calculate the amount of grain and forage needed to get a Steer ( for example ) fattened up for his trip to the meat-packers one would realize that the foodstuffs comsumed by animals to produce meat is excessive. An interesting theory but probably not all that practical. 


Well I think that it is time to discuss the Planets ( yes we do cover many weighty topics here  lol ). Scientists have recently dicovered a Earth-like Planet about 1,200 light-years away. This is quite interesting of course and it reminded me that not too long ago poor old Pluto was very cruely stripped of the status of being a full-fledged Planet here in our Solar System. Some people may not be that concerned over this development but one must remember that Pluto continues to orbit around our Sun as before and thus Pluto carries on with the important work of keeping this Solar System in balance. I feel that we should all write to the heads of our Goverments and ask that Pluto become a planet again ! Long Live Pluto !!!   


Today we have a sad item from the world of Animals. It seems that " Lonesome George " a Galapagos tortoise that was believed to be over 100 years old has passed away. Time waits for no Man ( or tortoise either for that matter  lol ).


Here's a weird story about a car accident. A person on the third floor of a parking garage somehow managed to suddenly accelerate and land on the roofs of two other cars.


Thanks for the photo and the info Corrijean. That photo reminds me of a similar scene from a movie entitled " Anger Management " with Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler. A Lexus car in a milti-story parking garage gets bumped and rolls over the edge, not good  lol. The film tho was not bad at all, I'll have to mention it later in my thread on movies.  


Up here in Canada we have a magazine entitled " Sportsnet " which is our version of Srorts Illustrated. Sportsnet just had a rather sad feature article that covered the financial problems of famous Athletes. Of course a lot of these people created their own disasters but it is sad to see these problems which one can also find with famous people in the Entertainment Industry. Examples of the causes of these problems include a $2 million dollar bathtub for Mike Tyson ( yes a Bathtub !!! ) or John Daly losing $1.5 million Dollars at the slots in one day. Sad to see people get themselves into such big problems.


Well I'm glad to be back here in my threads, been having a bit of a technical problem here. A Computer with an ailing Mouse is no fun so what we need here is a new Mouse. Well this Computer is going about 5 and 1/2 years old which they tell me is ancient. This PC came with the old style Mouse that has a small round ball inside of it and this type of units are very rare as they are no longer in production. This could get interesting and future updates may have to be send via Carrier-Pigeon  lol.    


As I've read thru some of the threads and posts that have recently been put up in these forums here I have the feeling that we seem to have entered the doldrums at this time. I imagine that lots of people are on holidays or otherwise occupied and the posts here do seem to be a bit boring ( not meaning to insult anyone ). I would have to say that good old Snakebelly is trying to keep things lively but otherwise things seem a bit dull. Is it just my imagination or are other people noticing this too ?  


I consider myself somewhat disengaged at this point. Summertime, lots of other stuff to do, site crackdown on funny picture posting, etc.


Thanks for the post CorrieJean, I hadn't heard about the policy change. Also I guess that as some members here post less stuff we will have new members coming into the forums with new ideas that they will add to the discussions. I've just added a new thread in my own small attempt to move things along  lol. 


In a couple of recent posts here I had mentioned that my old PC has been going downhill lately. Yes the old HP Compaq has seen better days having suffered a serious failure some weeks back where some files were lost etc. Mind you a bit of a recovery did occur but further problems are showing up including a " Mouse Tail ". So later today I will try to set up the new PC that I've just bought with more capacity and speed of course. The old PC may yet find a job elsewhere in the house to be used for playing Video games that come on those little CD discs ( I guess that I would hate to throw the old machine out ). However later today the adventure with the new " Super PC " should begin, could be interesting  lol.   


Today there was a rather odd item in the news concerning an anti-baldness drug with some major side-effects. One can assume that the men using this drug want to appear more attactive to the ladies however the main side effect of the drug creates very very embarrasing problems for the men using it. Perhaps the " Evil " Scientists that developed the drug were being humorous in quite a nasty way  lol.


Something I ran across today.