
Seven Big Failed Environmentalist Predictions


Many Christians (including the Catholic Church) not only accept evolutionary theory, but feel it is senseless to argue against proven science. 

A true Christian would not judge others by saying they cannot be true Christians if they accept evolutionary theory (where does it say this in the Bible??)

merlin66 wrote:

It's a theory, not proven at all. Just a general consensus of the day, which doesn't make it true. If you accept the "theory" of evolution you are rejecting Biblical scripture. If you then call yourself a Christian, you are reading a different Bible than the one I am reading. The Catholic church doesn't care whether you believe in evolution or not. They leave it up to your own personal interpretation, including the Pope. It doesn't matter to them as long as you believe humans acquired souls after being monkeys. Go figure.

rejecting WHAT Biblical scripture??



The Bible is the work of humans, not gods.

Harry Potter is also the work of a human.

kaynight wrote:

You've just ruined it for everyone kayak. What about Santa?

Oh, I think he's real :)


The Darwinist "establishment" isn't afraid of the so called intelligent design. They aren't making such a huge business of it, as churchs all around the world do. It's simply science always fight propaganda.


I bet you'll enjoy it a lot when I'm burning.


Lies, damned lies, and statistics...


Here's an interesting take on the issue by Dr. Robert Zubrin:

merlin66 wrote:

Genesis 1:24

And God said, " Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their "kinds"-livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their "kinds"." And it was so.

Genesis 1:26

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

Genesis 2:7

Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living creature.

etc. etc.

I notice it does not mention HOW God did all this. it doesn't say God did NOT use evolution to create humans (and all other creatures). It essentially says that God made stuff, not how. Why would you be so hung up on trying to disprove evolution?? 

Pulpofeira wrote:

I bet you'll enjoy it a lot when I'm burning.

If you think that then you completly miss the attitude of Christians.

On another note....

What the hey is goin on in here?..LOL. Its like going to a fight and a hockey match broke out. :D

This thread is about global warming alarmism.... howd we get to creation vs evolution? lol

For the record... I believe we are in a warming trend... but have serious doubts that humans caused it. :)

Pulpofeira wrote:

I bet you'll enjoy it a lot when I'm burning.

Use factor 25 Pulp. You don't want to burn. It's not nice, trust me, I've been there. ;)


I don't think that about all Christians. My wife, my mother, even my mother-in-law use to pray for me, and none of them think I deserve to burn (not so sure about the last one). But look at his previous comment.

Kayak: a breath of fresh air, as usual. That's the attitude.


Evolution is not a theory, it's fact. How is this a refutation of the existence of God? Your God apparently chose to use evolution to create species. 


About my take: life justifies by itself. It's still worthy even if it's meaningless. Have a good day.

merlin66 wrote:

That last verse says "HOW". What, you need more details? Nothing is said about other creatures except that man (meaning man the species) has dominion over all the lesser species. Evolution in my mind is such a ridiculous theory, I'd rather believe in Harry Potter as God than subscribe to such a contrived hoax as evolution. Talk about fairy tales! The lengths some people will go to refute the existence of God.

Then you won't mind me saying that evolution has passed you by. You are the same as prehistoric man. You have not evolved either biologically or physically.

kaynight wrote:

God is a myth. She told me.

Really?... and you know this to be a 100% lead pipe lock fact? lol

and now... in order to keep my post about what this thread was originally about...

quick, for those recent posters to this thread...

The majority of US city heat records accurred BEFORE 1940 or AFTER 1990?

kaynight wrote:

Wow kayak... Neanderthal or what?

Well I have seen the film.....One million years BC.... The acting was awful. ;)

clms_chess wrote:
kaynight wrote:

God is a myth. She told me.

Really?... and you know this to be a 100% lead pipe lock fact? lol

and now... in order to keep my post about what this thread was originally about...

quick, for those recent posters to this thread...

The majority of US city heat records accurred BEFORE 1940 or AFTER 1990?

Yes, sorry. The OP must think we are crazy. Oh, it's Jamie. Sorry Jamie. :)

kayak21 wrote:
clms_chess wrote:
kaynight wrote:

God is a myth. She told me.

Really?... and you know this to be a 100% lead pipe lock fact? lol

and now... in order to keep my post about what this thread was originally about...

quick, for those recent posters to this thread...

The majority of US city heat records accurred BEFORE 1940 or AFTER 1990?

Yes, sorry. The OP must think we are crazy. Oh, it's Jamie. Sorry Jamie. :)

Then you can make it all good..... :D. before 1940 or after 1990?... what do you think kay?...especially with all the global warming info the last couple of decades....


clms_chess...btw it's called GLOBAL Warming...and the roads are literally melting in India with well over a thousand people killed by the unrelenting heat wave...U.S. centric statistics are hardly relevant seeing as it's pretty unlikley that the Earth, God or whatever cares about national borders.

Just so you know.


Multiple choice question:

The ice caps are melting; ice melts when prevalent temperatures are...

a) colder

b) warmer

c) I don't know

d) none of the above