
The Science of Biological Evolution (no politics or religion)


OK, at the "end" of space is what?


A wall built by Trump,and he made the Angels pay for it.

regi-mental wrote:

Why doesn't infinity exist in reality?

Infinity is convenient for math, but there is not, not can their be, an infinite number of anything.  Check out to understand why.

regi-mental wrote:

OK, at the "end" of space is what?

That's 4u to figure out.


How about an infinite amount of nothing?  

Without reference points, distance can't be measured.  So, if we ever find the 'edge' of ALL the somethings, what's left is immesurable, infinite, space....


Subject change....everyone ready ?

If we came from monkeys, I wanna know why they don't need heat now (fire....the original hi-tech !) to make it....& we do.

Was it 'cuz monkeys wanted to go n2 colder climates so they learned to harness the heat & then grow less hair & then put on clothes & then their belly's adjusted to cooked food & then felt romantic sitting around it ? Did fire "invent" the emotion of love ? 

Did monkeys ever use fire ?....then they abandoned it ?....if so, why ?

IOW's, which came first ?....the fire or the hominid ?


Campfires are the best invention ever !


campfires are pretty cool


Yes, they are....I luvem !

I think it's time we start using our emojination....


Hominids came first.

Control of fire by early humans - Wikipedia

The_Ghostess_Lola wrote:

(#9356) We live in an infinite universe,

....prove it.

You tell me how many stars there are and where the 'edge' is located. 


Someone said there's like 200BB galaxies w/ 100BB stars in each.

I think that's 2x10^22 stars. IOW's, it's finite.

Talk about hellarounding off for hellarounding off sake.

Edge ?....check out stuff on the Particle Horizon.

regi-mental wrote:

How about an infinite amount of nothing?  

Without reference points, distance can't be measured.  So, if we ever find the 'edge' of ALL the somethings, what's left is immesurable, infinite, space....

There is no edge of the universe.  The best illustration I've heard is that of a balloon being blown up.  The 2 dimensional surface of the "balloon" is symbolic for the universe.  As the balloon expands, any 2 points on the balloon get farther apart.  Thus, all points are getting further away from all other points.  This is like the galaxies in our universe.  They are not traveling to get further from us, they are staying still, but they are getting farther away because the universe is stretching.  Likewise, there is no "center of the universe" anymore than there is a center of the balloon.  The surface of the balloon is 2 dimensional.  The universe is 3 dimensional, so the illustration isn't perfect.  Hopefully this helps though.

We cannot even say there is an infinite amount of "nothing" outside of the universe. Science has no clue. We cannot even say "nothing".

Senior-Lazarus_Long wrote:

So does that mean that hominids mighta been developing w/ less hair on their body ?....before fire ?....still an uncooked diet ?...or maybe a sun-cooked/sundried diet ?....or maybe cooking food in a hotspring ? 

(....looking up a recipe)


I'll read up on particle horizon. Ghostess I assume you have seen 2001 Space Odyssey? May answer some of your questions.  


I luv Stanley Kubrick shows !


We lost our hair to keep us cool. We are persistence hunters. We run animals to exhaustion. Fire let us get more calories from meat,but even hominids in Europe about 1 million years ago were eating everything raw. They know this from the tartar on their teeth.


TY Senior....and TY for #9366.


Everybody is referring to the KNOWN universe, not the WHOLE universe.

Nobody has any idea what the WHOLE universe looks like


Well, if we don't know what it looks like then how do we prove it's there ?

....'cuz they say that there's 100BB galaxies in the observable U (Mr. Hubbles wouldn't lie Smile ).


This is the person you need to keep an eye on....