
The Science of Biological Evolution (no politics or religion)



.. According, to 'Google'-search ; A 'quintillion', is composed of, 1 million trillions.

Your body has over 40 trillion cells.


On average, how many chemical reactions happen in the body in one ...

Apr 14, 2016 - Originally Answered: On average how many chemical reactions happen in the body in one second? It's tough to say exactly how many cell reactions are in the human body take place in one sec., but the most current estimate is 37.2 trillion.

.. I know, {'paratrooper'}, that your trying your very best, to intimidate me, with your {ah-hem}, 'facts'; But Not only, do 'chimps' and humans, {as regards, their respective appearance}.. bear little relation, to each other ; Chimpanzees, are also well known, {if-you-will}, for Not having the correctly configured 'vocal cords', for human-like, speech !


Okay then ; Between there being, little-to-zilch similarity, in their respective appearances ; Add in, the  respective, {human-vs.-chimp}, speech dissimilarities ; Plus, though Not being a "Jane Goodall" level expert, on 'chimps'; I Am aware, that a 'chimps' walking gait, is stooped, {unlike, most people.. ha-ha} ; And, you're telling me, that you believe, the cited, '98%' DNA, {genetic coded}, match ?!

.. Maybe, you need to do, more research, 'paratrooper'; Re. the incongruity, of your 'faith'-based, '98%', genetic-based, belief-system ; If achieved, through some other, illogical means !  o:


As for, your other raised points ; Compared to 'moi' choosing, Not to address them, at this-point-in-time ; Your Own failure, to explain, the point{s}, I raised, above ; Is tantamount, to ignoring, an elephant-in-the-living-room !

That, I'm 'guilty' of ignoring, some 'pet cat' sized, animal, {as in, your talking-points} ; Is almost, inconsequential, at this stage !  o:


'Senior' L-L' .. Continuing, to throw around, Very Large numbers ; So-as-to, jibe, with his adopted belief-system !

.. And, even if you're citing others, {respected, among your like-world-view, superiors} ; Remember.. they have, continued gov't funding ; As their 'dirty-little-secret', rationale ; For making their 'stats' conform to their latest 'findings'! ..{tee-he}.  [ ;


DNA: Comparing Humans and Chimps


Photo: Adrian Sumner/Stone/Getty Images

SEM image of human chromosomes, showing centromeres and chromatids (magnification: x6,100)

The chimpanzee and another ape, the bonobo, are humans' closest living relatives. These three species look alike in many ways, both in body and behavior. But for a clear understanding of how closely they are related, scientists compare their DNA, an essential molecule that's the instruction manual for building each species. Humans and chimps share a surprising 98.8 percent of their DNA. How can we be so similar--and yet so different?

So Much Alike...

Human and chimp DNA is so similar because the two species are so closely related. Humans, chimps and bonobos descended from a single ancestor species that lived six or seven million years ago. As humans and chimps gradually evolved from a common ancestor, their DNA, passed from generation to generation, changed too. In fact, many of these DNA changes led to differences between human and chimp appearance and behavior.


© AMNH Exhibitions

Banding Patterns

Examine the Evidence

Matching DNA? Human and chimp DNA is nearly identical when you compare the bands on chromosomes, the bundles of DNA inside nearly every cell. Which two chromosomes are more alike?

Banding Patterns

The light and dark bands on these chromosomes, created by a laboratory dye, reveal similarities and differences among human, chimp and mouse DNA.

Human and chimp X chromosomes both contain about 1,100 different genes, or sets of instructions. Each gene affects a particular trait in the body.


© AMNH / Rod Mickens

Chimp eyes and human eyes

HEM B - Blood clotting, hemophilia
 CPX - facial development, cleft palate
 SMC1L1 - chromosome maintenance
 OPN1LW - red color vision

Seeing Red

Most genes in humans and chimps are nearly identical. Both species have the OPN1LW gene, which allows them both to see the color red. But mice lack OPN1LW--and have trouble seeing red.

... And Yet So Different

If human and chimp DNA is 98.8 percent the same, why are we so different? Numbers tell part of the story. Each human cell contains roughly three billion base pairs, or bits of information. Just 1.2 percent of that equals about 35 million differences. Some of these have a big impact, others don't. And even two identical stretches of DNA can work differently--they can be "turned on" in different amounts, in different places or at different times.


Photo: Nick Koudis/Photodisc Green/Getty Images

Human eyes

Same Genes, Behaving Differently

Although humans and chimps have many identical genes, they often use them in different ways. A gene's activity, or expression, can be turned up or down like the volume on a radio. So the same gene can be turned up high in humans, but very low in chimps.

The same genes are expressed in the same brain regions in human, chimp and gorilla, but in different amounts. Thousands of differences like these affect brain development and function, and help explain why the human brain is larger and smarter.

Slightly Different Genes

The chimpanzee immune system is surprisingly similar to ours--most viruses that cause diseases like AIDS and hepatitis can infect chimpanzees too. But chimps don't get infected by the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, which a mosquito can transmit through its bite into human blood. A small DNA difference makes human red blood cells vulnerable to this parasite, while chimp blood cells are resistant.



.. I don't doubt, that yourself, 'paratrooper', and, whomever else, feels strongly enough, about, 'Darwinian' evolution ; Will feel motivated, to-want-to, get in the last word ; And- or, continue to post about it.


.. But thankfully ; Those in the audience, who matter, {at least to 'moi'} ; Will Not be swayed, by the 'drip-drip' effect, 'last words' seem to have, on however many.


Ultimately ; Everyone's Free, to believe, what they want ; And, since we All have our priorities ; Wouldn't ya know ; This 'thread', beyond a certain point, {which it's already reached} ; Isn't one of them !

.. Cheers .. And, y'all have some merriment & fun, in your lives ; Irrespective, of our differing, perspectives !  [ :



Jesus freaking Christ. I’m trying to intimidate you by asking reasonable questions?? I’m presenting to you just some of the scientific evidence that humans and chimpanzees have a common anscenstor, and I’m asking you to explain them.


So let’s recap. You accused me of dodging your question, that I didn’t see. I then answer your question, and then ask you questions of my own. Your response? That I’m trying to “intimidate” you by asking questions. Humans and chimpanzees share more than 98% the same DNA. Every scientific source you pull up will confirm this, just as the one Senior posted does. If that number is wrong, then what is the right number? What is your source?


Typing ‘facts’ instead facts, doesn’t make them cease being facts. Just like typing ‘paratrooper’ instead of paratrooper, doesn’t make me cease being a paratrooper stationed at Fort Bragg, NC who is on jump status and regularly jumps the MC-6 parachute. If you think I’m lying about that, man up make your accusation. Don’t be cowardly about it by weakly implying it, putting semi-quotes around paratrooper. 





Flank_Attacks wrote:

'Senior' L-L' .. Continuing, to throw around, Very Large numbers

We KNOW these numbers are very large. It's just a matter of estimating the number of organisms in the world, and the time they have been around. I didn't pick "quintillions" very carefully - it's a huge number by normal standards, but in terms of the scope of life on Earth, it is rather small! There are several nonillion bacteria alive right now. One nonillion is a trillion quintillions.

But for the evolution of a modest sized branch of large organisms, there are smaller numbers of smallest changes in DNA.  This is why in such a branch, there is not a huge amount of variation (eg the large commonality between chimp and human DNA).


" If evolution drew on some separate source of information we could see the effects of this in the way it affected changes over time."

will you elaborate please?


s23bog wrote:
USArmyParatrooper wrote:
Flank_Attacks wrote:

'Army Paratrooper', said : "Evolution, is backed, by science." .. <- As much of a belief, on your own part, {in at least, one sense} ; As, the almost, 'No-brainer' statement ; That 'JC' was either the Greatest Liar, & con-artist, that ever lived ; Or, He was, who he claimed-to-be !


Btw ; If you think, the former, {he lied, or was delusional, perhaps} ; I don't believe, either our civilization's history, or universe ; Would work, in that dysfunctional way ! - Ergo - Since when, has a person, who made an amazing claim ..{taken by some, to be blasphemous}, been so honored !?; Including ; Making our best guess, as to what 'year' we're in ; Based, on his roughly estimated, birthdate!?


Anyway ; You're making, the familiar mistake, {'paratrooper'}, of comparing, apples-to-'figs', let's say ; Where empiracle evidence, {whether, it actually is, or is not that}, as regards evolution, as a premise ; Is being compared, to appreciably Less, empiracle evidence.


.. Mainly because ; The Powers-that-Be, Don't want us, to fellowship, with Him ; Simply because, we were persuaded, by Great morsels, of evidence ! ..{where's the faith, in That !?}.


As for, the 'common designer', Creationist argument ; Of Course, there's No evidence, that would satisfy, your 'scientific' approach ; Since time-travel machines, aren't part of our paradigm, {if-they-ever-will-be}.


Though, call it, a shabby transference, of different aspects, of our Reality, {if you want}.. But, the common-designer/ common design, theme, is seen, All-the-time, in the business commercial realm ; Which I dare say ; Is an example, {if an unconscious one} ; Of mankind, taking-a-page ; Out of God's, playbook. {tee-he}.


Postscript : Apparently, you're using my punctuation, as one of your arguing points !? - Personally, I see that, as a weakness, {if a sub-conscious one} ; Of your own sensed weakness, in where you're coming from .. As regards, your Own relationship, with Deity ; Believe it ; Or Not !

No, it’s ACTUALLY backed by science.  You can disbelieve the science all you want but it’s still science. 

The disbelief in JC being supernatural is as “amazing”  as the disbelief in Mohammed, Thor, Brahma, etc. being real deities.  There is an equal amount of evidence for all of them. 

 I brought up your overuse of punctuation not as an argument for the topic, but rather to point out it’s annoying. 



I don't think there has been any claim that Mohammad is a deity ... at least, yours is the first I have ever seen (and it is a claim in the negative, I guess).  According to Islamists, Mohammad is considered a prophet.


A single claim is actually evidence.  As for "scientific evidence" .... that is another story.  What scientists accept as evidence changes from time to time.  What was science before is not necessarily science now.  The future of science is yet to be written.

Interesting.I remember a saying about There is sky above the sky.

And there are seven heavens.If we are allowed to reach second heaven.

Senior-Lazarus_Long wrote:

Just in the example I showed above. You can watch a population of trillions evolve over thousands of generations.

If evolution truly exist, it might be done even faster than we have assumed.It was concluded from religious text.


.. Figuring, that the following, will do More Good here ; Simply because, y'all weren't expecting, to See this mentioned, topic- Reality, here !  [ :




.. That would be, one of the world's foremost examples, of our {individual}, human free- will ; Having gone, wildly amok !  [ ;

.. Ps., Did, you feel the 'Chilean' 6 point, earthquake ?


We broke V2 with this thread, I think. You can't load it on V2, but you can on V3.


No I'm using v2.


.. Off-Topic, subject .. If, arguably relating, to a yet, Generally Unacknowledged, aspect, of a supposed, scientific reality !? .. {might, what is known, about 'quantum physics', allow for this ?! .. rhetorical}.


Flank_Attacks wrote:

.. Off-Topic, subject .. If, arguably relating, to a yet, Generally Unacknowledged, aspect, of a supposed, scientific reality !? .. {might, what is known, about 'quantum physics', allow for this ?! .. rhetorical}.



 I believe it’s time travel forward yes, backward no.  Intuitively it seems like teleportation would be impossible, but I dare not say no with as weird as quantum mechanics gets. 


Teleportation could be used to explore distant galaxies and universe.

s23bog wrote:

Why would creationists attack Bill Nye?  I understand attacking his interpretation of things, and even attacking his ideas, but why would they attack him?

A few years back, Bill Nye had a rather well-publicized debate with Ken Ham, about Evolution, and the age of the Universe.

I thought both presented their cases well. But the general consensus was Nye won convincingy.

Creationists have been painting bulls eyes on him ever since.