
XP Police Antivirus


So, I'm playing live chess today for the first time in a while...and I decide to use Mozilla since it is apparently so much better.  I have a full green connection while I'm playing in this game, and then all of a sudden, my computer freezes up.  Finally, some freaking virus named the "XP Police Antivirus" starts to take over my computer.  Pretty cool virus, it took me a while to figure out it was all a hoax.  I'm fairly computer illiterate, so I spent a good two hours of my life fighting that thing.  I'm never going to get that time back...

Is this totally a coincidence that this is the first time I've used Mozilla?  Or that I haven't played live chess for a while, and usually use internet explorer?  Should other members be worried?  I have Mcaffee and PC Tools anti-spyware and neither one caught this thing.  I had to do some research on the internet, and this site has some info:

Downloading Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware cleaned it right up.

Good Luck!


Turn your firewall on max. A lot of times things get in thru downloaded spam. Every picture of every ad could contain a little virus in it.

I was in a stomach when this was posted