
computer Sven and Nelson -big difference or am I just bad?


I cant even beat sven...... help


Nelson plays quite bad without the queen. So, you can just get rid of the queen. i played black and played these moves in the beginning and got a easy win. - e4 e6 Qh5 Nf6 Qe5 Nc6 Qb5 a6 Qb3 Qe7 e5 Qb4 Qxb4 Nxb4 c3 Nc2+.


yeah, trading EVERYTHING usually works to get into a (hopefully) winning endgame.  Nelson blunders a lot, it just takes some improvement to see.


Do these games get recorded in your played games list so you can look at them afterwards ?


You can it seems by clicking on "archive"


nelson is different from the herd of bots.   He will school you until you learn to defend against opening attacks by developing and paying attention.   He drops pieces, he lets you mate him, he has no development or concept of controlling the board, all he knows are cheap tactics and early game cheap shots.   He is great practice for fast play even at intermediate levels.  Take your time with him, and build up a solid opening that is not vulnerable to his nonsense and you will win.  Pay attention, he drops pieces early to simple combos (but not the queen, he guards her much more carefully).  He also isnt aware that rook is worth more than a knight. 


Nelson literally hangs pawn of move 2 as white


Nelson is easy .
1. Let his queen out
2. Trap it and win it
3. Convert

Nelson is easy, Just clear out all of his pieces and mate with king and queen.



I also struggled with Nelson for sometime. But the main weak point of Nelson is if you take his queen by loosing your own queen it is very easy to defeat him. He makes blunders if he is left only with the pawns.


I am unfollowing this thread. Goodbye my friends 

A good win against nelson or no? I had to use tactics and discovered checks in order to win this dude though my actual rating is 1358?



Nelson isn't to bad, just remove the queens



His queen is his key player, as long as he doesn't have her or she is otherwise incapacitated he is beatable, but by no means easy.


Nelson Is Weak He Blunders His Queen In The Early Game A Lot!


Just Defend Well And Walk Your Queen And Nelson Will Blunder!