
CrazyHouse on Daily Chess


Hello Team,


I wonder why we play CrazyHouse on LIve Chess, but we can't play on Daily Chess.



Please bring CrazyHouse on Daily Chess !!!



total support: 2


I Don't know how to make this thing happen but I am so down for it to start!!!

Get talking ya know?


YES! Please! I would love this!


It's possible but unlikely for this to happen. Which makes me sad since crazyhouse is my favorite variant. 

pickykneee is missing a lot of the variants as options for daily which is upsetting. lichess offers a ton of variants as options for dailies so I've been using that for now, but I prefer the interface. 


Please add rated crazyhouse daily games to! Lichess offers crazyhouse daily (correspondence) games, but they can no longer be rated. Lichess only had one rating category for all crazyhouse games from ultrabullet to daily time controls, and their solution was to eliminate rated crazyhouse daily games.


To be honest i don't think we can expect crazyhouse coming to daily soon. Compared to other games types, few people play daily and few people play crazyhouse, so it stands to reason that very few would play daily crazyhouse. 


While we have projects that affect lots more people we are not likely to add this one. I am not saying it won't ever happen, but its just not probably going to happen soon. 

What about variants like atomic and anti chess? Those have a pretty big cult following similar to four player on other websites. They would also be easy to implement. Thoughts? Also, why can’t we see our stats for most variants? I find that annoying since I’m very stats motivated

You can see your stats by looking at home and going down while looking at the side.


On a slightly unrelated note I would like to see Horde chess on


I played horde chess and it would be kind of fun if you could play it against a person instead of a computer engine.

jdcannon wrote:

To be honest i don't think we can expect crazyhouse coming to daily soon. Compared to other games types, few people play daily and few people play crazyhouse, so it stands to reason that very few would play daily crazyhouse. 

It's not like it requires any more work form the devs tho

While we have projects that affect lots more people we are not likely to add this one. I am not saying it won't ever happen, but its just not probably going to happen soon. 


NoahTi2 wrote:

I played horde chess and it would be kind of fun if you could play it against a person instead of a computer engine.

You can play on the variant server.  There's a lot of variants there. 

Play -> Variant.


bump this has to happen soon