
LiveChess: one-click re-selection of pieces


I'm using LiveChess from a PC and Chrome browser.  Here on, premove is allowed and you can select a piece for premove before the opponent moves.  And to change selection of pieces, you need TWO clicks; first to de-select the premove piece, and second to select another piece.  This gives shameless flaggers undue advantage.  They can always make the premove without any positional considerations -- with totally lost positions, they never need to change selections.

Other major chess sites do it in ONE click; clicking on a new piece automatically de-select the premove piece. should adopt this one-click way to re-select, or at least provide it as an option in 'Settings'.  This will have a good side-effect of discouraging flaggers and attracting more good players from other sites.


You can cancel premoves with a right click. Since multiple moves can be stacked, clicking another piece just allows you to add another premove.
