
Players shouldn't be allowed to ABORT because of their opponent's rating


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I think that what happened to you is pretty unusual because of the Fair Play Policy. Anyone who aborts too often will face penalties. As soon as they reach a certain threshold they get put into a special matching pool with other aborters.  Also, they face matching delays of 5 minutes.


"Players Shouldn't be allowed to ABORT because of their opponent's rating"


That sounds like a good idea... until you consider how the site is supposed to determine the reason why somebody aborts a game.


As notmtwain posted, the site has a policy and process for players that do it.


if someone doesn't want to play you, then they shouldn't have to. it is rude to try to force someone to play a game if they did not accept the seek themselves. hardly fair.

EndgameStudy wrote:

The same way the site claims their insanity, that they can determine if someone's cheating based on 1 complex move someone made in a game, they can easily see that someone's aborting immediately after they hit play, and they are aborting with the same player, and no one else. Whatever, the point is, people shouldn't abort cause of rating nonsense. It's not fair to the player who wants to play. Also, what if that player wants to play a grandmaster. He has the right to, and the other person shouldn't just say, "it would be a waste of time". They are cocky cowards who are afraid that if they do lose, cause the other guy might be good. Even if it does turn out to be too easy, they shouldn't upset the other person by doing that. The other player gets the practice of playing someone better. BTW, u can't determine that someone's cheating based on 1 move of a game. I don't care how many nonsense statistics and advanced algorithms u use, u can't read minds. period. Countless people have had accounts closed for no reason cause of this ludicrousy.

Way to derail your own pointless thread.


If  I am not allowed to abort based on ratings then how do I get to play against players I want to other than deliberately losing to reduce my rating.

EndgameStudy wrote:

Maybe they could do something, like u get 3 aborts per day, or something. after that, he just loses.

I thought they already do something like that now. People have resigned against me with 0 moves played. When a new game begins there are draw and abort options but no resign option. If you abort enough games over a short enough period of time then the abort option is replaced by a resign option.


I abort if they don't make a move within 10 seconds.  If whatever else you are doing is more important the the game you wanted to play, you're not important enough to be wasting my time.  Aborting isn't just about the rating.

Everyone agrees with you, OP. People shouldn't abort based on rating. There is already stuff to stop them doing this. You seem not to understand that, and they can choose their opponents rating anyway.

"the resign button still acts like an abort button. u hit resign, but u don't lose points. I know this because I would gain points if the other guy resigns."

Why would you gain points if the other party resigns before making any moves... it would make way more sense if the frequent aborters resign and lose points, but don't give any of those points to the opponent, just like an abort.

I think that's the most logical way that works...


I gained 12 points


Players shouldn't be allowed to abort no matter what! They accepted the challenge, they must play.


Stupid is to complain about such a stupid issue. Just move on.


I have changed the settings to try to find appropriate opponents but the system throws up people with a ranking 300 points higher than my 1050 so why should I not be able to abort rather than give points away.


steve7667 wrote:

I have changed the settings to try to find appropriate opponents but the system throws up people with a ranking 300 points higher than my 1050 so why should I not be able to abort rather than give points away.



Can't say why that is happening there but you shouldn't lose many rating points if they are that far above you.

EndgameStudy wrote:

U shouldn't be aborting cause your opponent is much higher than you. THAT'S the point. It's good practice playing someone who might be stronger than you. Notice, I said "might". Rating is a rough estimation and is completely relative.

Who are you to say who people should and shouldn't play against? Live your own life.

EndgameStudy wrote:

There are people posting things in the forum like they don't think stalemate should be a draw, and I'm being ridiculed after talking about an actual issue. Give me a break! It's as simple as this: there's no point in aborting cause of your opponent's rating.

Quite the other way around, I'm afraid. This isn't an issue at all.

Yes they should be able to abort. I don't think your argument is valid.
Drawgood wrote:
Yes they should be able to abort. I don't think your argument is valid.

Why, they want to play, so why should they abort immediately after starting, unless they had to go of course?