


Due to illness I have used up all of my vacation time I need to buy more vacation time because I am not well yet and will miss several days and don't feel that it's fair that is games because of illness How and where do I add more vacation time and what is the cost


Vacation days are not for sale. You could have got more vacation by upgrading, but I see you're already a diamond member, so, I'm afraid there's not much you can do.

thedude50 wrote:

Due to illness I have used up all of my vacation time I need to buy more vacation time because I am not well yet and will miss several days and don't feel that it's fair that is games because of illness How and where do I add more vacation time and what is the cost

Upon joining everyone gets seven days there are no bumps, anymore, for upgrading.

Nor upon renewal.


so i will get 2 days more each month not bumping for diamond platnum is dumb that is one of the main reasons i pay so much to be here its also lame to not be able to purchase more days i have serious health issues and dont think this policy is fair to the ill if i was just lazy yhat would be different but i have serious health issues and need to be gone some times for several  days at a time this should be rethaught so as to be more compliant with americans with disabilities act protocols 




I think you'll get more vacation days if you buy diamond membership for one more year.Assuming that it is possible to buy membership for future year, now.


my new solution is i only play games with 14 day moves i will re aquire my vacation time but not selling it is really a LAME idea who thought up this dumb idea

thedude50 wrote:

my new solution is i only play games with 14 day moves i will re aquire my vacation time but not selling it is really a LAME idea who thought up this dumb idea

Please give examples of all the places you can buy vacation time.


I've messaged you on this :)


Solution: Don't make it for sale, just enable trading among members...