
No change in rating for either player


I am in a rated tournament. My rating increases for wins and decreases for losses against everyone in my tournament group except for one opponent. I have beat him twice. Both times my elo didn't increase and his rating didn't decrease after a full game. I checked his other games and the same thing is happening to other people against this opponent. What would cause this a rated game to be treated like an unrated game only against one particular person in tournament play?

ClaireWL wrote:

I am in a rated tournament. My rating increases for wins and decreases for losses against everyone in my tournament group except for one opponent. I have beat him twice. Both times my elo didn't increase and his rating didn't decrease after a full game. I checked his other games and the same thing is happening to other people against this opponent. What would cause this a rated game to be treated like an unrated game only against one particular person in tournament play?

The rating difference is too large for you to gain rating for a win or for your opponent to lose on a loss. It's possible there is some fractional rating change but if there is, it's less than 1.


I agree


Same for me

