Trouvez un club d'échecs

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chúng ta kết bạn chưa nhỉ >< ?  
The Insane Chess Club -Just For Fun-
Hello! We do plenty of Tournaments, Vote Chess and Daily Matches, we would love if you join . We are here to HAVE FUN but also COMPETE in the tourn...
Anita's Elite Pawnstars
Hey feel free to join our new team - we're mostly playing Daily Games against other teams and it's just a space to meet new people Hola, ú...
Chatroom of Hyrule
Welcome to our Chatroom of Hyrule! Owned and founded by @TrueMasterLink, we wish that you join to talk with us and make friends in this club!
chess university at
please join my club
K2 Lounge
Club about chess and many other topics of discussion  We hope to reach a balance, since many clubs lean towards one extreme or another. If you ar...
Welcome to the club. If you join you will be welcomed, please have fun with us and chat.😃
Worldwide Chess Group
Welcome to the Worldwide Chess Group, we do vote chess, matches against other clubs and etc,  We are a chilling club with events coming to it soon!...
The Slanted Room
Are the walls on the floor or is the floor on the walls? both
The Legendary Chess Tacos
This club is for taco lovers worldwide . This is a extremely fun club, and we'll keep it under 100 members, to keep it that way. It's a great area...
Levski Sofia PFC
Шах клуб на привържениците на Левски София. Участник в първа дивизия на GFL (Global Football League). Участник в 1WL U1500  - лига за играчи с р...
Spain Raptors Fan Club
¡Hola a todos! 🙋‍♂️Este es el club oficial del equipo que representa a España en la Pro Chess League. ✔Actualmente denominado "Spain Raptors". Esta...
3 900
Friends Uniting Against Mental Illness Chess Club
Welcome to the Friends Uniting against Mental Illness Chess Club. Mental Health affects millions of people worldwide and our goal is to spread as ...
mouse chess club
training club
Mafia Masters
Join and invite your friends for some good games of mafia! This club was made for the shifting community that was involved in multiple clubs to bri...
Summit Chess Club NZ
Hi, we are a local chess club located in Auckland NZ, we hope to create a fun and slightly competitive environment for our chess players, especiall...
Peace and Friendship Club.
Hello! This is Peace and Friendship club. We are all inviting u 2 join. This club is amazing and wonderful. So...what are u waiting for? Join n...
The KnightMares
We are the KnightMares, lead by yours truly, @RabbitRover. Join us, and together we will strike fear into the hearts of out opponents. Long live ...
95 Bloggers Club
  This is the club for all things blogging, whether it might be questions, showing off your new box office release, or just chatting, this is the ...
The GaLLant Knights
Must have "knight" in your name or profile pic featuring a knight
1 132
European Chess Players
Welcome to the European Chess Players ... dedicated to play daily, live and vote chess in the ONE WORLD League and other competitions.  
Club d'Échecs d'Aylmer
Le Club d'Échecs d'Aylmer, à Gatineau.   Le club est ouvert tous les dimanches dès 12h00 au pavillon Robert-Middlemiss du parc des Cèdres à Aylme...
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