Announcing The Immortal Game Contest, $2,000 In Prizes
Have you played an immortal game?

Announcing The Immortal Game Contest, $2,000 In Prizes

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With more than 8,000,000,000 games played on to date, there are doubtless many brilliant but little-known masterpieces hidden in our database. To unearth those treasures, we're happy to announce the Immortal Game Contest!

Have you played a game on that deserves to be immortalized? Share it with us for a chance at a piece of the $2,000 prize fund and to have your game archived in our " Immortal Games" collection in Library.

Haven't played your immortal game yet but have a favorite played by someone else? Share the game with us, and if it's selected to win a prize, you will win a  membership! Immortal Game Contest
An attacking candidate: NM Jeremy Kane (@CoachJKane) vs. GM Simon Williams (@Ginger_GM).

Prizes users and a panel will vote to determine the winners of the contest. The total prize pool of $2,000 will be distributed as follows:

  • Immortal Game: $1,000
  • Immortal Bullet Game: $250
  • Immortal Daily Chess Game: $250
  • Immortal Queen Sacrifice: $250
  • Immortal Swindle: $250

If you submit an immortal game that's not your own, will gift you a one-year membership to reward you for showing us the hidden gem! But you need to act quick: we'll only be giving a prize to the first submission for each individual game! Immortal Gams Contest
A positional crush: GM David Smerdon (@smurfo) vs. CM Aaravamudhan Balaji (@ukchessbomber).

How To Participate

To participate, all you have to do is submit a game played on using our official form below; the submission deadline is April 15th at midnight PT. We also encourage you to share your favorite games on social media using #ChesscomImmortal. Our team will also select the best submitted games and add them to the contest's official public collection inside the's Library account.

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