News Month In Review: August 2020
What happened at in August? Month In Review: August 2020

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Hey, chess fans! September is here, and it's time to review our accomplishments from last month! So let's consider August 2020 with respect to product development, support, and fair play.

Web Developments

  • If you want to learn from your own games, Key Moments (announced here) might be the best place to start. Since its release early in the month, we have made many fixes and improvements to the new Analysis feature, for instance, adding flexible navigation between moments, moves, and summary.

  • Great work continues on the new Play page!
  • The Bots are coming! We made huge strides in the development of a brand new Vs. Computer feature with more options, more fun, and more personality. Stay tuned!
  • Improved our core chessboard technology, mainly in the areas of premoving and board markings (arrows, glyphs, etc.)
  • Have you seen the new Chess Terms page lately?

Chess Terms

  • Live Streamers are now listed below Chat in ChessTV.
  • We tweaked move-evaluation and classification logic in Analysis.
  • Unveiled a cool new home page for your Clubs, with a better view of a club's Upcoming Events!
  • You can now easily see your upcoming tournaments, as we improved the search filters on the Daily Tournaments page.
  • We did a visual refresh on Awards badges!

  • We can now headline new Courses (Lessons) on the Chess Today page.
  • We made figurine notation the default for new members.  (You can always adjust your preferences in Board settings.)
  • Streamers' profile pages now include their streams when they are live.
  • Lots of work on our new Lessons interface (now in Beta). It's looking great and will see full release in September!


We released Chess – Play & Learn 3.9.6 (3), which includes the following updates:

  • Full support for Apple Sign In—fast becoming the most popular way to sign up and sign in on iOS!
  • Puzzle Rush got competitive with the release of iOS Puzzle Battle!
  • Flair improvements: better images, more choices, Professional Chess League updates. 

Fair Play & Sportsmanship

  • 126,188,966 games reviewed for fair play.
  • 5,198,672 accounts reviewed for fair play.
  • 16,752 accounts closed for fair play (including 14 titled players).
  • 638,097 abuse reports received.
  • 46,361 mute actions taken.
  • 39,178 individual accounts muted.
  • 14,930 accounts closed for abuse.

Member Support

  • Average time to first response: 1 day, 11 hours.
  • Total support responses: 25,768.
  • Average quality by member rating: 92.2 / 100.
  • Total ratings: 3,108.

That's it! As always, thanks so much for your attention and interest—and please share your thoughts in the comments! See you next time to talk about September...

⏮ July 2020・ 🗓・September 2020 

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