Savchenko Wins Titled Tuesday Against Multi-Tournamenting Nakamura

Savchenko Wins Titled Tuesday Against Multi-Tournamenting Nakamura

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GM Boris Savchenko won Titled Tuesday on September 28 with a score of 10/11 after declining an early draw offer and beating GM Hikaru Nakamura in the final round. It was his second-ever Titled Tuesday win and his first since 2018. GM Federico Perez Ponsa and GM Rustam Khusnutdinov came in second and third respectively, each with 9.5/11.

In an impressive and memorable twist, Nakamura competed in two tournaments at once, playing in Titled Tuesday while simultaneously playing in the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour!

516 titled players competed in this week's Titled Tuesday, which was the usual 11-round Swiss at a 3+1 time control. The event drew special attention because of its more than doubled $5,000 prize fund, a consequence of server issues that affected last week's event.

Live broadcast of this week's tournament, hosted by WGM Nemo Zhou.

The decisive game was played in the final round between Nakamura and Savchenko. After just a few moves, Nakamura offered a draw, which Savchenko bravely declined. (A draw would've given them both 9.5/11 points, but Nakamura was likely well ahead on tiebreaks, and both Perez Ponsa and Khusnutdinov would end up getting 9.5/11 as well.) Nakamura gained a decisive advantage, but then he blundered with 26.Bg5 letting Savchenko back in the game.

Before the final round, Nakamura seemed to be dominating the tournament. He won his first eight games, putting him in clear first with 8/8. This feat was even more notable because he was actually competing in two tournaments at once! Many spectators expressed awe and disbelief that he was dominating Titled Tuesday while simultaneously playing against GM Wesley So in the Meltwater Champions Chess Tour. (In fact, after a few quick draws, he went on to beat So in both blitz tiebreak games.)

Nakamura winning his eighth consecutive game in a wild time scramble

Nakamura made draws in rounds 9 and 10, allowing Savchenko to catch up in the standings. Savchenko's win against GM Sanan Sjugirov in round 10 was critical. The game appeared to be dynamically balanced until White captured a poisoned pawn on a7, allowing Black to make threats on the back rank. Savchenko's 32...Kf7! was an extremely strong prophylactic move, avoiding future checks and thus strengthening Black's attack.

Also critical was Savchenko's ninth-round win over GM Artem Timofeev. The opening was a Classical Sicilian, and after the thematic knight sacrifice 23.Nd5!, Savchenko had a winning position. A few later errors let Timofeev back into the game, but Savchenko ended up claiming the win in a time scramble. 

September 28 Titled Tuesday | Final Standings (Top 20)

Number Rk Fed Title Username Name Rating Score SB Prize
1 56 GM tigra Boris Savchenko 2871 10 67 $2,500.00
2 39 GM Genghis_K Federico Perez Ponsa 2900 9.5 59.5 $1,334.00
3 30 GM RD4ever Rustam Khusnutdinov 2906 9.5 57.5 $500.00
4 1 GM Hikaru Hikaru Nakamura 3191 9 65 $334.00
5 13 GM hanzo_hasashi1 Nodirbek Yakubboev 2973 9 57
6 45 GM Igor_Lysyj Igor Lysyj 2870 9 54
7 6 GM Sanan_Sjugirov Sanan Sjugirov 2986 8.5 59
8 19 GM kuli4ik Mikhail Demidov 2935 8.5 57.75
9 22 GM OparinGrigoriy Grigoriy Oparin 2927 8.5 56.75
10 23 GM Msb2 Matthias Bluebaum 2905 8.5 54.25
11 28 GM Zhigalko_Sergei Sergei Zhigalko 2896 8.5 52
12 113 IM SaraBlackPanther Bibisara Assaubayeva 2708 8.5 51.25 $334.00
13 9 GM Alexander_Zubov Alexander Zubov 2976 8.5 49
14 59 GM xamax2000 Max Warmerdam 2811 8.5 48.25
15 110 IM mat_kolosowski Mateusz Kołosowski 2720 8.5 36.25
16 26 GM rasmussvane Rasmus Svane 2897 8 52
16 12 GM penguingm1 Andrew Tang 2967 8 52
18 15 IM ChristopherYoo Christopher Woojin Yoo 2920 8 51
19 31 GM TimofeevAr Artem Timofeev 2873 8 50
20 93 GM Sethu0025 Sethuraman S.P 2790 8 48

(Full final standings here.)

Titled Tuesday is a Swiss tournament that runs each week on for titled players. It begins at 10 a.m. Pacific time/19:00 Central European every Tuesday. 

Titled Tuesday Format